
Responses from zapper

Ok this will be a good thread.
Speakers-NO Source-NO the real winner is.............. the amp. Speakers are the personal choice made in a system that not only reflects the sound you like, but also the style you want sitting in your room. The source is only as good as the media ... 
Classe, Pass Labs or Odyssey
I had a pair of Odyssey Stratos monos and now UPGRADED to a Classe 200 that will be monoed when I find another. My brother has had the 300 and 400 wich are both better than my single 200 in controlling the speaker. Nice airy highs and warmer mids ... 
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE
I have had my Mirage M3 speakers for 14 years now and can't find anything better in my room for staging, depth, and fullness. The rest of the speakers sound like I am taking a shower, while the Mirages submerge me entirely in a liquidy abyss. I ha... 
Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??
My brother is an agoner who started (with alittle help from his bib brother) With buying a Theta Data Basic from Agon when he was 16. He now has an all Classe system consisting of:CDTDAC-1CP-50CA-400I have helped him along the way and believe his ... 
CA-200 vs. ML 332
Keep the 200. I called Classe awhile ago and asked them what to do for more power and current. They recommended getting another 200 and bi-amping the speakers. If I still needed more power, he suggested bridging them as it would not degrade the so... 
Pre amp for Odyssey amp
I use a BAT VK3i and the pairing is wonderful. I just recently re-tubed to more dynamic and revealing tubes, the Odysseys went right along for the ride in stride. Great match. 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
Can anyone say REVEL???? I was, a short time ago, in an audio store that carried B&W, Revel, and Vandersteen. They had a room of all Levinson equipment to try out these lines. The B&W 802 were on a pair of 33H. the sound was good, but not ... 
Vandersteen 2c vs Mirage M1
The M1 is a speaker that is bipolar, meaning it rediates sound from the front and the back. They have identicle drivers on both front and back, this may be good enough as surround until you have time to get other speakers. I would recommend the 59...