
Responses from zaikesman

Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
I was reading Roger Wilcox's articles debunking "orgone energy" and "accumulators" (aka "orgone boxes", linked from the SkepDic entry I linked above), and musing about the similarities between Reich's crackpot theory and Belt's (child-like fixatio... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity? 
Simple Digital Music Server - Opinions Please
Kana813: I'm thinking about doing the mods for the MasterLink. I did try sonically comparing a CD internally ripped to the ML's hard drive (at 4X speed, no other option available) with the same CD ripped from the Pearl used as exterior transport (... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Oh yes, but of course. Guido, could you please do me a favor and reunite your pet foodstuffs again? 
Simple Digital Music Server - Opinions Please
Edesilva: Yes, I wouldn't expect that this little test of mine could serve to describe all hard drive-based systems. Quite the contrary as a matter of fact -- I just take it as an indicator that we're probably going to face the same kinds of choic... 
Simple Digital Music Server - Opinions Please
Not being a 'computer guy' myself, I must admit a lot of the above is Greek to me. But when I got my Alesis MasterLink CD-R recorder that has a built-in hard drive, I was curious to hear how the sound compared. This unit, for those who don't know ... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Russ: Thanks for reminding us of that fact, I must have forgotten it because I did read that thread several days ago. I think you are correct however in assuming that the anecdote doesn't really contradict my argument on this point, because the te... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Tbg: I think you misunderstand my little analogy about medical trials. My point isn't that placebos can't have any effects, good or bad, that suggestion primes subjects to experience. My point is that only a real medicine can have unintended real ... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Or to put it metaphorically, of all the loyal subjects who claimed they saw the Emperor's New Clothes, how many thought them unstylish? 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Geoffkait's story is very conveneint, but Mrs. Clark's 'reviewing' skills are just as suspect if this story is true as if it isn't. Either she told a big enough fiction, or made a big enough mistake, in her original presentation, that her (or her ... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Joeylawn and Guido: I don't believe Mr. Belt's hypotheses can be peer-reviewed for the most part, any more than the existence of a God can be. This is a 'benefit' to going beyond the known and even the unknown, into the unknowable. Mr. Belt would ... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Actually Guidocorona, the alleged 'explanation' offered by Mr. Kait for how the Chip is supposed to work is essentially mechanistic with 'quantum' invocations, and not apparently related to the Beltian 'theories' (such as they are) purportedly beh... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Invasion Of The Damned Stepford Audiophiles... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
I did email one of the scientists whose work was cited by Mr. Kait in the M.D. article on how he purports the "Intelligent Chip" may work, but so far no response, which although slightly disappointing, does not exactly surprise me. Maybe I will tr... 
Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?
Well Tbg, I think we can safely assume, not within *your* understanding of known physics, to judge by your take on the effects of gravity on weighty planets and such. But don't feel alone, the CLC etc. doesn't fall within *anybody's* (including Mr...