
Responses from z32kerber

Wayne's Audio Turntable Periphery Stabilizing Outer Ring
I have one. It made a huge difference. Cupped albums are now dead flat. The sonic differences are noticeable. Worth every penny.   
If I wanted to make my own speaker cables, is this a good choice for wire?
RAMM audio OCC cable. Amazing.   
Best Phono Preamp mm/mc under $3500.00 used
Gold Note PH-10 with PSU-10 power supply.  
Custom Window Sound Blockers
It would cost $8000 to do my room. I spent a fraction to get good results.   
What speakers work with low wattage class A amps
My 90 dB Chapman T7s work very well with my Pass Labs XA30.8.  
Solid copper or stranded copper for speaker cables? What is your choice and why?
I went with OCC cables from RAMM Audio. I really like the topology of these cables. Six individual conductors each with six OCC wires. Great shielding, A bit of a hassle to deal with all those wires when connecting to the terminals but well worth ... 
Considering moving to separates with a tube preamp-appreciate recommendations
I really like my JJ 243 preamp..  
One of the great things about Vinyl
Vinyl is so more engaging than digital on many levels. I listen to vinyl far more than CDs or streaming. It just sounds better.  
OMG - Room Acoustics are Critical - WAF be dam-ed!.
Congrats. Let us know how how sleeping outside works out for you 😳😮😄🙄  
What is your experience with the Spin Clean?
I use Vinyl Style with spin clean fluid.  
Looking For 18awg Audiophile Power Cable Options
Check out OCC cable at RAMM Audio. Fantastic cable.  
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
Maybe their statement should say “We wil see a 15-20% increase in our profits with  each level you move up. “  
VPI upgrade?
I got a used Prime about a year ago. Amazing TT. I went with a Hana ML cart.   
Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice?
Donald Fagan   
Advice for a new analog system
I have a VPI prime with the 3D uni pivot arm and Hana ML cart. GREAT TT! Couldn’t be happier.