
Responses from yourmama

Is your turntable spinning while you clamp down?
I don't know which turntable you have, but in general turning the motor on and off just can't be good for it. Why don't you replace the clamp with a stabilizer weight and save yourself the hassle. You can easily lift the stabilizer while your tt's... 
Deep bass response of Audio Note 2.1x Balanced DAC
Its always amusing to read this type optimistic responses, it seems that some people are willing to go to any lenghts before accepting the obvious, which is a famous brand product has limitations. I've owned several AN DACs in the past, none of th... 
Best component ever for the ...
Cheezetub please let me buy it for you. 
Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords
Nothing to do with you Greg, if you look at Chstob's other posts, you'll see he's just a jerk getting a kick out of stirring things up, without ever having anything worthwhile to say. 
Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords
Chstob, e-mail me off-line for a full list power cords that I need to dump. Then we'll see if you'll put your money where your mouth is!PS FYI, I did buy enough of the Power Cords to last me a while! 
Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords
You bastard, why the hell are letting the cat out of the bag??? Like you I've wasted thousands of hard earned dollars on hyped up power cords with inflated four digit price tags just to be disappointed time after time. Each & every single one ...