

Responses from yioryos

Dunlavy SM-1 Resale Value
E-mail a member with blue-book access and ask him the favor.I don't have access either.Good luckGeorge 
Northstar 192 Transport and DAC - comments
Jmann66Great choice. The ML 37 is a great transport no doubt about it.I am pretty sure it costs more than the M-192 transport though. 
PrimaLuna ProLogue One versus Two
KevinWith all the respect,I had a crack when read your comment on the "cheap-o-stuff".What should we call the Primaluna?Made in the People's republic of China.What about the cheesy name?LOL.All the bestGeorge 
Need new tubes or other problem?
I can relate to that problem in a way.I had similar scratching sound coming out of both speakers.The problem was coming from my Audio Research tubed DAC.First I thought it was the tubes(four 6922)and I did change them with another set.Problem was ... 
Northstar 192 Transport and DAC - comments
Jman66 Hi.Do you mind telling us which older transport you ended up with? I ,too,have an older CD transport but recently bought the Northstar 192.My older one is the MD-1.George 
Need complete stereo help starting with preamp
Rogue Tempest Magnum intergrated.Tubed.Nice. 
Recomendations for simple CD transport
GammajoI second Markxiii,for the Northstar M192 transport suggestion.I own it and think it's great.Check www.tnt-audio.com for the review on it.Naturally the Northstar transport sounds best with it's companion DAC.It uses the excellent Philips cd-... 
Sony S7700, S7000, or ??? best low cost transport?
I have a Sony DVP-S7700 stock.Sorry to dissapoint but wouldn't play music on that thing.Only DVD's.I played CD's few times and the sound is thin,lifeless.My Musical FidelityA3 beats it by far.The funny thing is that the MF A3 Cd Player uses a Sony... 
How frequently do you check Audiogon listings?
Every night for sure and during lunches sometimes.George 
Building an equipment rack from scratch
I made my own rack out of commercial grade heavy gauge aluminum tubing and angle line at 3/16" wall thickness.Fasteners and other accessories are all of stainless steel.It's sand or lead fillable however is very heavy unfilled.It still needs to be... 
what amp. to power areial 10-t speakers
My Aerial 10T are mated with Rogue M-150 monoblocks.I am not sure if is the greatest match but sure sounds good to me.Cables by Analysis plus Oval 9.I am considering the purchase (when my finances permit) of a Rogue Zeus power amp for bi-amping th... 
ARC users please
Ecclectique thanks.My 99 should be coming soon.Heard mostly good comments about the unit,some bad ones too.I'll see for myself.It will be my first tube pre.I was also looking at SLP-98L or First sound but $$$.The LS3B will definitely stay to keep ... 
ARC users please
ScottEnjoy your Rogue 120's.I got the M-150's in a separate system and closing on a deal for the Magnum 99 pre.A little over 1000$ for a used one though.We got the same musical taste I see.RegardsGeorge 
ARC users please
ScottGo to www.arcdb.ws to find info on this and any other unit that ARC ever made.I don't agree with the comments expressed above regarding the ARC solid state pre-amps.I do own the LS3-B and love it.RegardsGeorge 
Audio Alchemy DTI Pro32 DSP Settings
Dave Hi.Very nice ,detailed instructions on the use of the AA DTI Pro-32.What do you think of the Digital lens?How does it compare to the Pro-32?ThanksGeorge