Responses from woodfield
Buyer's remorse - your worst purchase? GTA SEP-1 Preamp. Bought it cuz I liked its looks. The pre was the worst sounding piece of junk I ever bought. They still are. Luckily for many of the uneducated GTA is out of business for the time being. | |
integrated amps Densen B-100 | |
Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000? I feel that having listened to a number of integrateds in your price range the Densen B-100 is a killer. Also the Myryad and Arcam are very good. The Sonus Faber Concertos are very hard to beat and can be had for a lot less than $2000.00. Also the... | |
Suggestions for a 'good' FM antenna? I have a Dynalab ST-2. C-clamped to the back of my audio rack. A good antenna even if not in the best spot. I need to get up in the attic one of these days. I believe the Fanfare and Dyna are the same antenna. The Dyna designer of the ST moved to ... | |
Opinions on integrateds, thanks... I listened to a number of very nice integrateds recently while in the process of upgrading. Listened extensively to Myryad, Krell, Plinius and Densen plus a few others. These are the ones I had it narrowed down to in my pricerange and requirements... | |
How are Van Alstine tube preamps? Hello: I have had a 4i for about the last 3 years. Built it from a kit and AVA checked it out for free. In the mean time I have had a CJ PV-10AL, Golden Tube SEP-1 and a Audible E 3A. The AVA is still with me and the others are gone. IMHO the CJ w... | |
Has anyone found Audio Nirvana? No but.........Magnaplanar 2.7s, AVA Super Pas 4i, Quicksilver KT-88 Monos and a Sony XA777ES is a my vehicle of current choice. Won't play real loud but paired up with some good Jazz and the journey is pretty pleasurable. I agree that the vehicle... | |
Dynaco ST-70/PAS 3 Rebuild. Hello Curtis: Regarding the Dyna 70. I have used the AVA kit in 3 70s. Have to say I do not really care for it that much. It is definately a nice kit and I believe well engineered. IMHO it restricts some information that, like it or not, I like to... | |
Good quality KT88 power tubes? Had the Sovteks in a pair of Quicksilvers. Indeed they are not good sounding tubes. Bought a set of Aeros and they are quite an improvement. Reasonable price was a factor also. I am not disappointed in them although I have heard good things about ... |