

Responses from woodburger

New H20 Signature S250
It was odd. As if the mix of certain CDs (and not all of them) had been altered... some things were pushed farther into the mix. I had to turn it up to an uncomfortable point to retrieve them. I also thought (not really sure about this due to the ... 
New H20 Signature S250
FWIW:I just auditioned the sig S250 and it didn't like my Transparent Ref networked cables. Henry suggested this would happen to me, but I have long cable runs and couldn't easily find a good substitute cable without it getting real spendy.My frie... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Ayre or Rowland Amp?
To answer the question above, the front end is Sony SCD-1, 3x modded by Richard Kern, into ARC LS5MKIII with Infinicaps and removeable IEC. I think I am using an Electraglide with that - and its power is via dedicated line through an Ultimate Outl... 
Ayre or Rowland Amp?
Can you give a description of that H2O? I know what you mean about revealing, but think my stuff is pretty good (i.e.: balanced Transparent Ref cables, lots of power filtering and dedicated lines, etc.) Any detail would be helpful since there's so... 
Audio Research VT100 - MKI or MKII or MKIII?
MKII upgrade was a leap forward in every way, especially in the bass! I've not heard a III. I run mine on a PS Audio P600, with the fan on a seperate circuit so the PS multiwave doesn't screw the cooling. That adds even more and tighter bass. 
KEF 2005.2 + Harman Kardon 135?
I have a pair of eggs which I've been breaking in - they are loud enough for me with a 50wpc SS amp and I think they'd get plenty louder if I turn it up. I believe they arerated at 88db/w/m, which is average or so. I noticed they were what I'd ter... 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
I heard the same set of Choruses sound INCREDIBLE in one setup and lousy in another. I auditioned another pair in my home (worse!) It's the interaction with the room, amp, etc. that matters big-time! Tube amps especially sweet with the larger Klip... 
Pass Labs versus Jeff Rowland, Audio Research
You mention an ARC LS2B - I had the MKII of that model and found the LS5MKIII to be far better - you can find one used periodically. Used it'd be a real value and you can still change amps. I think it'd get you closer to something great!Best regar... 
Anyone know/remember this funky speaker?
Might be the Heil (ESS full range - but I never saw them... the tubey things ring a bell.) 
Best Amp/Preamp/CD or DAC for Wilson Watt Puppy 7
I'd sure try some experimentation before you dump your amp. I recall listening to several top CD players a few years ago and all were 'nice' but all had their own character. Top or close to the top Wadia, Theta, ARC. My point is system synergy is ... 
Amplifier and preamplifier for Wilson Watt puppy 7
Cables or room. Start there. In fact, start with room placement. 
Sytrofoam peanuts and EVIL and worthless
Here's the solution. Wish I could patent it. Buy the zippered large baggies. Actual zippers on there - not the squeeze type. Put the peanuts into the baggies. Zip shut.Pack the baggies around your gear. No mess. Great strength. Reusable. No mess. ... 
Are Wilson speakers
Don't know about the 3/2s, but the 7s were a nice step in every way over the 5.1s. 
I have the LS5MKIII - and when I originally auditioned it against the Ref 1 (home demo) thought the 5 was much more soulful. Had Steve at GNS put in IEC for aftermarket cords and had ARC put Infinicaps in. Suspect it'll be a legacy piece of gear I...