
Responses from wjt3

Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
Macan and Rolex-- yep it works!!?? 
How long could it take
About 7.27 days on a def average time line 
Affordable US Made Tube Pre/Power or Integrated Options
Carver Crimson-=- 
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
Carver 275 in the house. Love it-- Sold the Audio Research VT80-=- 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Sorry so late OZ-- thanks for the reply. I found a local guy that had a new Sachs and had his Series 3 he was going to put up for sale so I just bought it. Damn they sound soooo good!!! I've ran it with the tube amp, the ss amps and they sound gre... 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
Anyone using just the amp section of their 590axII (main in on Luxman to a tube pre) ?? 
Luxman vs Pass Labs
Anyone using just the amp section of their 590axII (main in on Luxman to a tube pre) ?? Wow--pretty good on my end-- 
Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile
blacktalon-- whats the latest with Sachs? 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Thanks OZ-- does it have some weight to it? Mid-low bass? I'll pair it up to ARC d400mk2 or d240mk2 solid states or a Carver 275 tube amp. I dumped the 10k ARC Vt80 tube amp due to the Carver besting it in my system. Thanks again 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
Thanks OZ-- I'm thinking of trying something diff than the Audio Research Ref 6 I have. I tried a new Luxman 590ax2 and liked it for its class A amps. Its in place now. Someone mentioned that the Sachs or Supra was like a combo of the sound of the... 
Supratek or Don Sachs - which way to go?
When will the shootout happen? I'm on the fence between the two Sachs/Supratek--thanks 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
The Pink Floyd-- Lp's, cd's, cassettes,8 tracks,dvd's and a couple reels-=- 
It happened again tonight
Cannonball Adderley with Miles--- Somethin' Else LP--- WOW 
RIP Art Dudley
RIP- Art-=-=- 
Audio Research Reference Linestages
Had a Ref 6, ls25mk2, ls3 and now using a Luxman 590mk2-- Would have liked to try the REF2 mk2--