

Responses from wisciman99

Where do I go from here?
"Close Enough to the Very Best" The Absolute Sound magazine awarded the Halo A21 its "Editors' Choice" recommendation for 2012. "Though not the last word in solid-state amplification, the A21 comes close enough to the very best, at such an af... 
Where do I go from here?
Update:I talked to a dealer about the pre section of the Marantz and his comment was 'Marantz has gone a long way in making their pre amp section invisible', or something like that.  That, and the consideration that I must keep the whole system as... 
Where do I go from here?
Thanks, aux.  As I am going to sleep on this for a few days before I pull the trigger (and maybe sell a motorcycle in the meantime) it may come down to what's available and when.  Hegel, Parasound, I believe either would be a definite step in the ... 
Where do I go from here?
Thanks again, and in the FWIW column, I am definitely leaning toward the Hegel.  If I opt not to do that, I will eventually be upgrading the Marantz, for sure.  I won't say cost is no worry, but I can find a little here and there when I need it (b... 
Where do I go from here?
Ahhh, the light goes on.  You guys are a TON of help.  So, basically, it breaks down to either the Hegel 160 or the Parasound integrated dually sourced from the DVD/CD player or HT, or, if I want to use the Marantz pre, I've looked into the Brysto... 
Where do I go from here?
Now I'm really confused, I thought the idea was to bypass the pre/pro of the Marantz entirely to get a cleaner signal. 
Where do I go from here?
I'm a little unsure as to how an integrated would meld into the existing HT?  It would replace the RKB-650 obviously, and serve signal to the mains from the DLNA feature or the DVD audio. but how would I switch to HT and the Marantz and RMB-1565? ... 
Where do I go from here?
soix, how much would I be sacrificing for the Hegel 160?  I see one of those at TMRAudio in my price range. 
Where do I go from here?
Again, great advice, thank you (all) for your insight.  I am absorbing all the good info and will take my time and not rush into anything.  Perhaps a little more tweaking before I pull the trigger on a bigger ticket item. 
Where do I go from here?
So here are my takeaways.  I really don't want to add another pre to the line-up, and at the moment, the upgrade to the Marantz is off the table.  It seems that in order to not add to the complexity of the system, I can utilize the 'Pure Direct'... 
Where do I go from here?
Thanks, aux.  Good stuff right there.  I am going to look into the Parasound.  I have seen them listed and read some reviews and they seem to be well received in the audiophile community.  I am also considering upgrading the DVD to something bette... 
Where do I go from here?
Thanks, atmasphere.  I wouldn't need the 3rd channel for listening as it would be strictly a dialog channel for movies.  I've been toying with the notion of tubes for awhile.  I see several used options in the sub $2k range.  Any I should avoid or... 
Where do I go from here?
Thanks, soix.  I went with the Marantz pre for the 1.4a HDMI in/outs.  I have the 4k tv which looks very nice through the pre/pro (it also passively passes signal in standby) , and I actually just recently moved away from the (Onkyo) receiver for ... 
Where do I go from here?
There is a Cary CAD-808 (Rocket 88) in the same price range as well. 
Where do I go from here?
I am wondering which of the components may represent the weak link to my music listening nirvana? ... Since I'm more interested in the musicality of the system, listening to a mix of female vocal, rock, and dipping into the ambient realm now ...