Responses from willsw
Capital Audio Fest 2016 There should be rooms featuring Bluetooth source enabled complete systems for easy entry at various price points for people with smart phones and tablets who like what they hear at the show and aspire to good sound at home. That's a good idea. At ... | |
Capital Audio Fest 2016 I say two rooms with Voxactiv speakers in them and I liked what I heard--very clear and dynamic sound, minus the shrill and peaky quality that is often heard with wide-range drivers. The big Voxactiv speaker at the show had to be listened to at q... | |
Capital Audio Fest 2016 berning/voxitive custom hornsTo add more info, that room had Linear Tube Audio amps (the boards designed for us by David Berning) and Gary Gill built the horns. That was one room playing CDs, through a modified Icon Audio tube-output CD player, as... | |
Mini Maggie Office System maggie mini's with David Berning's ZOTL40 distributed by Urban Hi Fi is to die for. Totally addictive sound. The addition of a second bass panel is advisable.Very happy to hear that you're enjoying the ZOTL40 - I do want to clarify, though, that w... | |
David Berning preamp..looking for suggestions The MicroZOTL2 is actually made by Linear Tube Audio. Urban Hifi is our retail store, which has a soon-to-be opening location in Takoma Park, just across the Maryland line in the DC metro area. They are separate companies, though, and Linear Tube ... | |
Linear Tube Audio- Any feedback on their amps/ Preamp? The ZOTL40 with the MicroZOTL2.0 as a preamp was in Room 208 at the Newport show that just wrapped up. I'd be as interested as anyone in impressions.WillLinear Tube Audio | |
THE SHOW AT NEWPORT BEACH 2016 We'll be there - we being Linear Tube Audio, probably better known, if at all, as "those guys making the less expensive Berning ZOTL amps". In room 208 we'll have our 40 watt amp and our MicroZOTL2.0 as a preamp, joined by Vapor Audio speakers and... |