
Responses from williamredburry

Audio Research REF3 / REF110 owners...
My Ref3 got a hiss on the left channel. Switching tubes ( V1 and V2) made the hiss go to the right channel. So it was a tube problem. Replaced the tube and the problem was gone. 
Power Cords and Power Conditioner, How to arrange?
For me my best powercord did the trick on my powersource ( KEMP). I discovered the benifits by accident when I was swapping around some powercords. The powersource has a 20A IEC connector and recently I bought some ARC stuff which also have 20A IE... 
CD player straight into amps?
If you can run it direct then why shouldn't you try it !? At least you will learn how good or bad your pre is, or what you like or not about your pre. It learns you to understand what each component adds to the whole. 
Unhappy with tubes so which transistor amp?
You must have bad luck. Problem seems to be a tube problem not an amp problem. Happenend to me many times with Graaf OTL GM 20. The amp was great only there were problems with a certain stock of tubes. I still own a Graaf ( GM 200 now it is ) with... 
Preamps w/ best transparency/top end, no brightnes
ARC REF 3 !!! If you don't believe the reviews then just give it a try. You won't regret it !! 
Bow ZZ8 replacement
Hoi Bert,Gemakshalve ga ik er maar van uit dat je uit Nederland komt. Ik heb onlangs de ARC CD 7 tot mij laten komen en die gaat niet meer weg. Wat die speler doet met je cd'tjes is gewoon geweldig. Oud, nieuw, jazz, classiek, pop oid het maakt ni... 
Combak Harmonix tuning bases ?
I use them under my speakers. I also have the 900 and 909. In my opinion you should be carefull with the use of the 999's. In much cases they bring to much "good" things. They easaly overdo the midrange. For me a combination of 900/909 or 909/999 ... 
Optarchie,The distributor here is the only one who has a unit. Fully broken in !!! You must have misread my comment because I only made a statement for the ARC. 
I also have been waiting for the cd-77 for a couple of months now.(I live in the Netherlands) Sold my CDP ( Accphase dp67) in the meantime and listened to a 15 year old Marantz cd 40. An audiofriend ( also waiting for the cd-77 and am77) had the A... 
Eidolon or Eclipse Classic
I don't know which Eidolon you're talking about, but all the Eidolons are a big step ahead of the Classics. What the Classics do good the Eidolons do extremely well and the differnce in price is worth it.The Eidolons are in a different league. I'v... 
MDF or Plywood for best sound in Hi-Fi rack ?
I would go for plywood !! Look here: [http://www.6moons.com/industryfeatures/livingvoice/definitive.html] 
Truely Balanced Pre Amps
Graaf GM13.5 II 
Replacing stock cables: where to start
Try the Zu Bok or even better the Varial. But the Zu Bok was already better ( much) then my FIM Silver powercord. Buy used, that's much cheaper and they are burned in. I also like the Soundstring and Audience cables. 
Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?
"Budget" preamp choices.
Promitheus TVC !!!