
Responses from willemj

USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld
Truth does not become outdated from seeing it repeatedly. 
USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld
See here for some measurements that should give pause for thought: http://archimago.blogspot.nl/search?q=usb+cable 
USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld
1 Could you identify them blind?2 What are the statistics on repeat identification? 
Speakers least affected by room acoustics
Sounds like a problem at higher frequencies. Apart from listening in near field, there is only one solution and that is to dampen the reflections. 
NOS Shure V15 type III cartridge opinions
Aftermarket styli vary enormously in price and some are outright bad. The Japanese Jico ones have a good reputation. Shure themselves recommend their M97xE cartridge as the best replacement. As an anecdote, I recently noticed that the audio archiv... 
subwoofer question......what size sub ?
bdp24: absolutely. It is for the same reason that I like my Quad electrostats. Speed is indeed not a property of the speakers but of their interaction with the room. I wil look into the 8 inch version. Thanks 
subwoofer question......what size sub ?
True, after that it went in another direction. However, the first answer basically had it all: it is the room that you need to be concerned with. Since you ask, I have now found that elsewhere you give the room’s dimensions as 11x16x9 feet, and th... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Geoff you are once again waffling. The declining ability with age to hear higher frequencies is a well established fact. And not one I like very much. 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Well, that is precisely what I argued that they did. Plenty of test tone generators on the web to test your own high frequency hearing.http://www.roger-russell.com/hearing/hearing.htm for some more data, but there is plenty more.And here, the Phil... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
In fact, it has been argued here and elsewhere that the high frequency hearing loss of the audiophile demographic may explain the rise in the number of modern speakers with shrill top ends. Those attempt to bring back some of the 'air', 'sound sta... 
subwoofer question......what size sub ?
That makes sense. I have been very pleased with the response from DSPeaker's engineers in Finland. I called them on the phone, and they took their time to explain what I could expect and what I needed (and what I did not need, even if it was more ... 
NOS Shure V15 type III cartridge opinions
I had the elliptical stylus and later replaced it with - I think - the MR (but it could haven been the hyper elliptical). The update was a real improvement with a sweeter and more detailed sound. It was an excellent cartridge, but required precise... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
With these things it all depends on how you define functional hearing loss. In a practical sense there is no hearing loss if your hearing is fine up to, say, 12K, and more or less stops there. For the ability to hear slight sonic differences betwe... 
subwoofer question......what size sub ?
OK. I agree that a dipole sub is a great idea (looked hard for one but could not find one at the time). However, why does a dipole sub benefit from stereo where an ordinary one does not? Deep bass is not directional, and the advantage of equalzing... 
Speakers (and system) for a small-ish room
Apart from my Quad electrostats in the main listening room and some modest speakers in de the bedroom, I have both the 11 Ohm LS3/5a and the Harbeth P3ESR as mini monitors. Both are pleasant, but for me there is no doubt that the Harbeth beats the...