
Responses from willemj

Spendor, Harbeth...why so hot ?
I have used a pair of LS3/5as (improved 11 Ohm version) for years as desktop speakers in my study. I recently replaced them with the Harbeth P3ESRs and these are clearly a lot better, with less colouration, better dynamics and a cleaner and more r... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
The problem with old cartridges is that their suspensions may have dried out.  
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
There is the pretense that there is something (audio quality) which there is not. The analogy is with the listeners/onlookers who sheepishly follow the flock. Of course there are recordings that are not on cd and only on lp. I still have my turnt... 
how much should you spend on cable?
1 also under controlled conditions?2 why? Does it trouble you that people are telling an uncomfortable truth? 
What's the weak link in my system?
Guru's are, of course, just that. 
Spendor, Harbeth...why so hot ?
They are just as naturally clean and transparent as dynamic speakers go. Only my Quad stats are even more transparent. Jazz or rock also deserve such naturally sounding speakers that leave the artists' intention completely intact. However, classic... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
And yet, none of them are as neutral and reproduce the original as cleanly, with as little distortion, and with as much channel separation as a cd/dvd/bd disc player of a few hundred dollars at most. As I said, such cartridges are the emperor’s ne... 
Amps from the 1980's -- What gear holds up sonically? Reliably?
Amplifier design matured during the 1970’s and the better ones reached sonic perfection at the time. Of course, such technical instruments age, and the most problematic components are the power supply capacitors. Quality of those at the times was ... 
Tuner or Receiver
I am all in favour of Internet Radio, so my old Quad FM3 now sits unused. FM radio is an old technology with serious limitations with regard to frequency response, distortion and channel separation. Also, most stations compress dynamics to make it... 
Question for cable/wire naysayers.....
"Best" mini-monitor?
I have had mini monitors in my study for many years. Originally the Rogers LS3/5a (the improved 11 Ohm version, however) and more recently the far better Harbeth P3ESR. I have obviously not heard all mini monitors, but I do believe these are likel... 
What's the weak link in my system?
Dave,Your argument is valid if more expensive sources made a difference, but not if they don’t. I am not quite sure where the minimum is exactly, and it may be wise to pay a bit extra to be on the safe side, but sonically perfect sources do not ha... 
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters
Duke,Thanks for coming back to me. That sounds like a nice flat response, but it is of course room specific, and not always achievable. You are right that since multiple subs give a flatter response over a far larger area, the potential for equali... 
Why is good, deep bass so difficult? - Myths and their Busters
Hence the need for a low output impedance (which is a different way of saying the same). If the damping factor is too low, the frequency response becomes heavily load dependent, with potentially exaggerated bass or high frequency roll off (or othe... 
Why do better MC cartridges cost a fortune?
Even so, any decent cd player will be superior. Turntables are just money spinners for the trade, and if you are like me and you like mechanical engineering, they are also nice toys.