
Responses from willemj

Newbie Looking for Advice on Streaming Music
I have no views on the PS Audio Jr other than that it is pretty pricey. I have not seen any proper tests with measurements done with serious lab gear like from Audio Precision. The currently best one on that is probably the Benchmark DAC3.By and l... 
Newbie Looking for Advice on Streaming Music
See here for a review of the Sonica DAC: http://archimago.blogspot.nl/search?q=sonicaSummary: it is a good one with two limitations: the analogue input is less than perfect and there is only one optical, coaxial and usb input each. Try to connect ... 
Newbie Looking for Advice on Streaming Music
As I said above, a DAC with a variable ouput is a perfect pre amplifier, but many do not have analogue inputs. I don't care, but others do. If you go that route, all you need is a power amplifier. Many of these DACs will have balanced ouputs, and ... 
Which speakers do I pick and are they close in quality
For about the same money as the M30.2 anniversary edition you could get the ordinary Harbeth Super HL5+. In a largish room such as yours, it would probably be a better buy. 
Amp recommendation for KEF LS50
Yamaha AS501 (2x85 watt) or AS701 (2x100 watt)? See here for reviews of the previous models, the AS 500 and the AS 700:http://www.avhub.com.au/product-reviews/hi-fi/yamaha-a-s500-amplifier-review-test-395710http://www.avhub.com.au/product-reviews/... 
Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days?
I agree that the fire risk is real enough to be concerned, and so is the damage to the environment. I have invested enough in energy saving and solar panels not to blow that with wasting energy on audio gear, even if it is relatively efficient Cla... 
Newbie Looking for Advice on Streaming Music
You will need two things, and sometimes they come in one box. You will need a streaming device and a DAC. Simple to use streaming devices could be an Apple Airport Express, a Sonus Connect or a Google Chromecast Audio. Personally I prefer these un... 
All this can now be done far more accurately in the digital domain. If one uses a computer as a source, the Equalizer Apo is perfect. As standalone units the various DSpeaker Antimode units are great. 
Room Correction Processor?
If it is just for subwoofers, I have been very pleased with the cheap and effective DSPeaker Antimode 8033. For equalization of both subs and main speakers (and as a DAC, a preamp and a crossover) there is now the DSpeaker Antimode X4. A cheap alt... 
Filling speaker stands: sand, lead, steel, rice. Full, half, etc?
Of course Alan Shaw is also interested in toe in etc. See hee for his explanation of why the tweeter should be at ear height: http://www.harbeth.co.uk/usergroup/forum/the-harbeth-line-up-m20-m30-m40-1-p3esr-c7es3-shl5/74975-op... 
Filling speaker stands: sand, lead, steel, rice. Full, half, etc?
Harbeth's designer Alan Shaw argues that the material does not make any sonic difference: Ikea stools will be fine if you like them or if the budget is tight. What matters are two things. First, height: the tweeters should be as close as possible ... 
Unfortunately there is also quite a bit of snake oil being peddled. As for room acoustics and equalization, including some useful links: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/room-acoustics-10 
Total newbie question here about completing a system
The one the OP linked to is not the ODAC but a FIIO. The ODAC is a now legendary design by an anonymous experienced engineer called NWavguy (you can google him and his description of the design process, plus measurement data) who was fed up by exp... 
Indeed. It is one of these unfortunate audiophile myths that tone controls (or balance controls) degrade the sound and hence should be omitted. Makers of high margin audiophile electronics were only too happy to oblige as it saved them money.The t... 
Pre amp or DAC
A modern DAC with variable output is effectively a pre amplifier for those who have abandoned analogue sources (as I have). An alternative would be an Oppo UD 205 UHD Bluray disc player as it also has external digital inputs and can serve as an ex...