
Responses from willcycle

Recapping Krell FPB-Monoblocks - Need Advice
If all you need is a recap any good technician should be able to do it.  No need to send your equipment across the country.  I would not operate the amps if they easily overheat to avoid additional damage. 
List of most high end analog active crossovers ever made.
Threshold PCXKrell KBXKrell KRXBryston 10BPass Labs XVR-1First Watt B4 
Krell KBX crossover.
The KBX is a superb crossover.  I am using one with my biamped Divas.  Unfortunately, modifying the crossover frequency and slope is difficult since Krell has no documentation.  I have information for the B&W 801 speaker so if you are able to ... 
Magnepan LRS compared to the .7 or the 1.7i ?
Don't bother with the fuse and jumper.  Just do a simple rewiring to bypass them both (no soldering required and easily reversible).  I did this to my MMGs and it was worthwhile. 
Using Mark Levinson No. 380 preamp output simultaneously
It's not a good idea because it unbalances the balanced signal.  The single ended output is taken from the non-inverting balanced output.  If the two phases of the balanced output see different loads they are no longer balanced. 
Using Mark Levinson No. 380 preamp output simultaneously
You can use it but it is not ideal.  The manual urges against it.  A better solution is to use a splitter off the balanced output and an active balanced to single ended converter. 
Emotiva Repair
What problem are you having with it? 
Levinson 380S with sub
The record outs are only single ended.  Levinson does not recommend using the preamp balanced and single ended outputs at the same time (you would un-balance the signal by applying a different load to each phase). 
Levinson 380S with sub
You could use the record out but it would be a little cumbersome when changing inputs. 
Krell KSA 250 slow start board schematics
I would hope the unit was recapped.  Check the power resistors. 
Does Krell still convert KSA 250 into MDA monoblocks
I doubt Krell would still have the parts.  An MDA model uses a different input board - it is not a bridged amp.  I love my KSA-250s.  If your amp has not been recapped I would recommend you do so to breathe new life into it.  An amp of equivalent ... 
Cry for Help! DEAD Mark Levinson 335
If you can solder take the shotgun approach to the board and replace everything.  
Outrageous used pricing on older McIntosh
When you take inflation into account the residual value is not as high as it seems. 
On A Mark Levinson 380 preamp, what does it mean on the display , code e 984 ?
software version 
Emotiva xpa-2 or xpa-200?
I own both and prefer the less forward sounding XPA-200.