
Responses from will62

Shopping for Interconnects
perizi.  Is this the right stuff?https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-feet-Belden-9259-RG-59-75-ohm-Video-Cable-Coax-22-AWG-copper/38094001204... 
Shopping for Interconnects
perizi.  What does the Nickel do to the sound quality?  I've never heard of anyone using Nickel plated RCA connectors before.Found someone that can do the soldering.  Same guy that is looking at my Denon amp.  Will look into the wire you suggested... 
Shopping for Interconnects
One of the major advantages to cables is that it will help shore up shortcomings in some parts of a system with improved audio quality.  A much more affordable way to upgrade the sound of a system vs buying new and much more expensive gear. 
Shopping for Interconnects
I do own the IC3 IC and am very happy with them.  Perhaps I should just stick with them.  Also like the LC-1 I ordered from BJC as well.  Different sound but still decent.  Not as good to my ears as the IC3 though.Have ordered the Morrow MA1.1 and... 
Shopping for Interconnects
The solderless RCA plugs that appear on Amazon don't look like they are very good quality.  Reviews indicate larger wires like 12 gauge may not work either.  Want to use larger gauge wire of course.Any other sources that sell solderless RCA plugs ... 
Shopping for Interconnects
perrazzi.  Thanks for the tip.  Will look into that other cable as well.  May be able to make my own with it since it appears I can find solderless RCA connectors. 
Shopping for Interconnects
ghost house.  Will try them and find out.  The Audio Art cable is a combination of silver and copper and that is not bright to my ears.   
Shopping for Interconnects
herman.Not changing speakers.  Already have a pair of Mirage OM 10 Towers and Castle Conway 3 Towers.  Love both paris and don't want to part with them.Yes, I do agree on the integrated amp's possibly being the weakest link in the system right now... 
Shopping for Interconnects
Ordinarily I would not be up this late but I am dealing with a  bad head cold and now diminishing sinus infection.  Thanks for the additional suggestions.  Just ordered the Morrow MA 1.1 to try out.  Found out they are silver and not copper wires.... 
Shopping for Interconnects
Thanks for the additional suggestions.  I will research these as well.  Since I plan to buy three new pairs this year, I will take some time before buying the second and third pairs while I research other cables. 
Morrow IC's
Wolf. If you disconnect the Morrow IC's for any reason and reconnect them to the same amp and NOT a different amp, would a re break in still be required?Had a pair of AQ Nevergreens but they were no better than the basic wire you get with the RCA ... 
Morrow IC's
Thanks for the info.  I am going to give the MA 2 a try.  The first IC I bought was a AQ Nevergreen. It didn't sound a bit different than the old wire IC it replaced.  One of those stock cables that ships with a CD player or cassette deck.  Years ... 
Yamaha A 500 Integrated Amp Modifications
Thanks.  Will consider that.  Right now my primary concern is trying to find a way to get cables to connect the speakers to the amp.  Want to Biwire and would like to avoid spades or bare wire. 
Yamaha A 500 Integrated Amp Modifications
Just got the A 500 up and running.  Seems to be fine.  True to form it has a more neutral sound than the Denon PMA 520 that I also have.Question.  Does anyone know where to find a manual for the A 500?  Can't seem to find one online that I can dow... 
Shopping for Interconnects
Scott:  Thanks.I have to be careful to avoid brighter sounding gear.  For years I had Klipsch Heresey's with my Yamaha A 500 and they grated on my ears.  And then I switched to a  Cambridge Audio Amp a decade later and the result was still the sam...