

Responses from whatthe

Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning
I have owned a Loricraft PRC4(8yrs ago) and clearaudio double matrix(6yrs ago) among others. I have been considering a new RCM purchase for some time. I strongly considered the KLAUDIO, Audio Desk and ultrasonic. I read a lot of reviews and opinio... 
Analogue-free system
As Cypher (The matrx) said “ignorance is bliss”.  
Analogue-free system
I have NO distortion or snap, crackel or pop! I believe I have a first rate digital and vinyl set ups. Sometimes I get lazy and I put on digital. But when I Truly wish to listen to music, it’s vinyl, Always! I have heard and read these dumb uninfo... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Juan, I am sure the lampizator is a great dac. Also sure from what I have read that they are on the cutting edge and build a quality product. I considered their komputer. Though I realized there, I believed, with a little work I could do the same ... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Juan, I have not heard the lampizator. I had considered ordering one for a while. But I decided to stay away from tubes. I was always SS. From reading hear on audiogon I decided to trie tubes. This is 7yrs ago or so. I bought really high-end stuff... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
http://samplerateconverter.com/content/why-we-cant-comparing-different-audio-formatshttp://samplerateconverter.com/content/dsd-and-pcm-real-competitorsI'm just say'in ✌️️🖖  
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Juan, thanks for the link. I have read Lukasz thoughts many times. He is the reason I am using Linux. Reading his view got me to research Linux and its advantages. I chose audiophile Linux v3.0. I was going to buy one of his dacs but I moved away ... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Juan, I may have miss spoke. When I said build, I did not mean me doing the actual building. Endpcnoise did both of mine. I was not criticizing either. It is a well designed and great looking computer and of course they need to make a profit. Just... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Reading about dsd super komputer. Don't get it. What does dsd have to do with a komputer(computer)? All bits. Suggesting bits handled differently? Someone who knows please explain. Great looking though. Without options sell $7700us. Built mine wit... 
Lyra Atlas experiences
Rauliruegas, I am not sure I fully understood your posts. I own a Ypsilon VPS-100 phono and MC-26L transformer. I have owned the Lyra atlas in the past and have considered buying the SL version. I have owned several phono stages many being SS. At ... 
Upsetting story looking for a solution
 I am NOT selling.  
Upsetting story looking for a solution
Does anyone know, is the sphere that is viewable to the public eye the berlynium portion of the tweeter? Also is the scanspeak D3004/664000 a direct replacement for the Magico tweeter? Thanks for informed responses. 
Linear Tracking Turntables - Best??
Atmosphere; I have become so weary of these forums. Then I read one of your posts. Always enlightening! Always interesting. Always worth the read. I owned a Walker Black Diamond few years back. Read about linear carts. Did not really follow, until... 
how much better is the kuzma 4 point then my TTW Jelco
Chakster, The Talea and 3P are very similar in design, instalation and set up. The Durand Talea in my view is much better designed, easier to install precisely and adjustments are a pleasure. Making it my first choice. The kuzma 4 points would be ... 
how much better is the kuzma 4 point then my TTW Jelco
I have owned several tonearms. A walker linear, a Reed 2a and 3P, a few VPI's, Durand Talea and a kuzma 4 points to name most. While I no longer own the 4 point it was/is an exceptional tonearm. Once mounted, easily set up and adjust to great accu...