
Responses from whatjd

How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
It seems that Jimmy2615 has reminded us of the "one must walk before they run" side of life. 
Funny stuff from Paul Desmond
Thanks,....I have been a Paul Desmond fan for a long, long time. One of my favorite thoughts/quotes was from a friend living in Manhattan when Mr. Desmond died,...he said.."all of Manhattan went into mourning".Mr. Desmond may have been to Jazz wha... 
Searching Prior Threads...Worth Your Time...
Oh sure Tim,.. my thread about threads being redundant..is in itself redundant. Kinda reminds me about what most of my female freinds have thought I am... redundant, or is that repugnant? 
Pink Triangle Tarantella II Any Experience?
Hwdsound, the reason I'm asking is I will be making a return to the world of vinyl this year,...and the Basis, VPI and others are well discussed in these threads(via the Forum search) but I have not seen this table talked of...esp. in comparison t... 
The Absolute Sound Review of Sony SCD-XA777ES ???
Bishopwill, not a concern. I find value in all of the posts to this thread. I found it a poor choice to have associated gear listings with other reviews, but not with the review that was both their cover photo...and a bit of a tabloid title "Multi... 
The Absolute Sound Review of Sony SCD-XA777ES ???
Bishopwill, glad the review works for you. 
The Absolute Sound Review of Sony SCD-XA777ES ???
In looking at Mr. Cordesman's gear on page 123...I am then to assume that his comments are about 2-channel performance only?As far as the main reviewer...Mr. Harley's gear listed on page 111 may be some insight. Are we to assume he was using the M... 
The Absolute Sound Review of Sony SCD-XA777ES ???
I may be wrong..but Tony's components don't add up to 5 channels. 
Anyone else heard "The Houston Kid?"
Paul,Thanks for the "heads-up". I'll put "The Houston Kid" on my buy list.Isn't Mr. Crowell the man that had some impact on the early Rosanne Cash albums? I like those a great deal.Jim 
which integrated amp for Mirage FRX-7 speakers?
Deic...I wanted to give you my two cents worth...but must first say that I have never heard your speakers.That said, the integrated field has been one of the best things that has happened to the high-end/2 channel market in a very long time.These ... 
Whats the best Small speaker thats cheap
The Kef Q-15.2 is worth a listen. 
What was it about Fi. Magazine?
Does anyone know where Larry Alan Kay is now? Maybe he could find some computer money backing and get Fi. back in business?....seems that's the story behind one of the other mags.(?) 
What is the opposite of near field listening?
Tim, I like it!Jim 
What was it about Fi. Magazine?
Jfrech.......I think you nailed it. It did seem like the writers were having fun...and no obvious since of a hierarchy. 
Ultimate Audio - R.I.P.
I agree. Glad to hear someone else mention Fi.