
Responses from wetfeet48

Second audio system in your house?
Yes I agree completely. I wouldn't put together a tube based system to just leave on in the background. I think there's plenty of other options for that. I'm planning on another system now for a room we have dedicated as an office, guest room and ... 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Oh boy, thankfully that didn't happen to me. Unfortunately I learned about the Furez stuff late and already put a full order in with parts-express. So I guess I'll just dump that into the ever-growing pile of extra hifi stuff in the basement. :)  
Second audio system in your house?
So, you're not sure it's a the sensible thing to do, but, "I won't even ask the wife what her opinion is, as I already know it." I take it that means you doubt she would be in favor of it. Uh, oh. See the thread on Audio - Post Divorce... ;)Yea... 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Thanks for that avoutlet suggestion, I went crazy there and ordered all sorts of things. Love the Furez idea, got the heat shrinks and all. The Viablue speaker cable looks interesting too, ordered a meter just to check it out.  
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Found some super cool Viablue connectors while chasing the Furez down, I think they're German. Different types, anyone use them? They do have coatings. Wasn't aware that was a bad thing. http://www.viablue.de/com/spades_t6s.shtml 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Thanks for the Furez suggestion/link guys. Just ordered 2 pairs of the SP8-SB50NP spades. Going to compare them to the MIT iconn's. Your order threw them into back order :) 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Oh man! I can't believe that, those look great and I just ordered some possibly inferior ones off parts-express this morning. nmmusicman let us know how that comparison goes. I was going to order those Furez just now thinking the same as you, comp... 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
I've mildly pondered the idea of using them for some nice extension cables and getting something new. Actually I'm considering a second system in the house so I might just have to re-connect them to the old amp.  
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Out of curiosity; can't you just run the bare wires without connectors?Actually that's the way it's set up right now, barely, and always has been (17 years). But recently I aquired a new amp with smaller, anemic wire nuts. They're barely shoved in... 
Second audio system in your house?
 Oh man french_fries, you hit the nail on the head, I seem to take all my hobbies too far. Hifi in and of itself is a bit over the top for the general masses. For example, somehow I've aquired over a dozen fine tobacco pipes in the past 6 months. ... 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
How about letting a bit of common sense prevail? I used to mess around with fat AQ cables. I trust you would not be able to hear the difference if you were to snip the one wire protruding and continue on finishing the cable. Yeah you're probably r... 
#8 AWG spade connectors??
Great suggestions, thanks. Those MITs look perfect. Swear they could fit a little bit bigger cable?  Gosh mofimadness, those are the cat's meow, but would be worth more than the cable! 
Second audio system in your house?
Wow, I'm a little surprised to hear this type of response. It seems "ultra" luxurious to have more than 1 audiophile system, much less three or more! I thought I might hear a tiny voice of reason. But thanks to you guys I might have to move forwar... 
No bass with new turntable?
If you have tiny pliers something like in Leatherman pocket tool I’d carefully remove all cartridge clips and crimp them slightly more to make sure that they provide nice and tight connection to the cartridge pins. Be super careful not to rip them... 
No bass with new turntable?
Wetfeet, I like Class A. Profligate use of power, but commensurately clean sound. With ESL's you really hear it.[Heresy alert] By the way, my electronics are all solid state, full complementary designs. The electronics may not sound the best, but ...