
Responses from weseixas

Why not horns?
Personally i would like to hear Earl's stuff , it would be interesting to say the least, put the science to the test so to speak ! Really would like to see them stand up to a real world test..regards, 
Why not horns?
06-21-10: UnsoundMacrojack, are you seriously trying to claim that you've taken the higher road? Yep .. LOL.... I guess him and godbless are one and the same ! 
Why not horns?
Hello Duke, The science can always be manipulated to justify one's direction , the proof is in the tasting. A speaker shoot out would be interesting ! regards, 
Why not horns?
Hello Duke , Which maggies are we discussing ? Anything over 12K becomes directional regardless of the speaker. The term figure 8 is an misnomer , in real terms it is used to signify similar pattern front/rear. SO we are getting into semantics dis... 
Why not horns?
Which of your speaker models are you suggesting for me to take a look at Duke ? Which one sounds like a dipole ? 
Why not horns?
06-20-10: Audiokinesis wrote:My bipolars radiate into a constant 90 degree pattern, both front and back, over most of the spectrum. Few dipoles maintain their initial figure-8 once we get up into the midrange and treble region; their radiation pat... 
Why not horns?
I would like to clarify ! I highly doubt the 2 will sound the same, the sonic characteristics are so completely different... that's not to say it would not sound the same to someone else! Anathema and euphoria thingy again ! 
Why not horns?
Hello Duke, With all do respect , for Ralph to insert distance to back wall would be like me inserting some absurd requirement for listening to a horn,speaker...We are discussing things and ideas in absolute terms, Ralph knows better than that! I ... 
Why not horns?
Macrojack , Really !,,,, Maybe you should review the personal retorts and shout louder approach by you and your "friends" before labeling me with such i notice none has labeled you absurd when stating this ! With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up... 
Why not horns?
Gawdbless, I know a reprobate when i see one, sorry about your Head injury, get well soon and many Happies .. 
Why not horns?
Gawdbless, I know a reprobate when i see one, Get well soon and many Happies .. 
Why not horns?
Atmasphere My comments on Horns and how they image, poor tonal balance, and poor sizing still stands, I'm not sure why you would mention Duke building speakers which are rear firing, as this has nothing to do with my opinion and suggestions, as ma... 
Why not horns?
Atmasphere , Suprise comment coming from one of your back ground... You are comparing a monopole to a dipole , they cannot sound alike or have the same presentation and never will, it is technically impossible. talk about absurd ! If you cannot g... 
Why not horns?
LOL.. John the Irony !!!-----------------------------------------------------------06-19-10: JohnkAgree with gawdbless on this making bold all encompassing statements. Sad part of it all is the huge disservice these types due to audio by keeping p... 
Why not horns?
Utter Tosh ... Related to Peter Tosh ?