

Responses from weiserb

Best headphone amp for new Senn 650's
Try the Musical Fidelity V3 . It is amazing! and under $ 400.00 
VT-100 MKII sonics but need more power
Get moving, Mono's are the way to go...VTL-MB 450 Signatures are your answer. You will get some change from a $5. They Rock ! 
what happened to usa cd players ?????
Audio Research Used CD2,Or Demo CD3 for under 3,500.00 Also Cary makes a few nice ones 
Too many tubed components in the system?
NO, You can add the BAT tube cd or ARC CD3 and have a magical system. An SME 20 or Linn LP12, or VPI TNT would be my choice for you to get spinning! 
"Trickle up" theory
Sometimes the expensive top gear can be too revealing and non forgiving of a lot of the less than perfectly recorded source material. I have leaned towards high end tube gear with Lps and a great cd player. Also the top gear can be sensitive to a ... 
Are vintage speakers really that good?
My a/d/s 810s and 710s can sound fantastic and beat lots of speakers in the proper set up. The newer high end speakers from Aerial or ProAc for example that I have are much better but at a super notch up in price. 
Phono pre-amp problems
Your unit may have a bad power supply, or possibly a bad tube/tubes but I think it might be more serious. 
What can the average enthusiest do to get A+ HT?
You have heard the technical stuff above. Synergy is the key to an awesome sounding setup. Everything needs to work together to acheive the ultimate sound. And most gear has a sonic style so they must all complement each other to produce the style... 
Headphone Recommendation?
Senheiser HD 600 or Grado RS-1 with Musical Fidelity V3 Headphone amplifier. 
PC for NuVista and ARC CD2
ARC supplies an upgraded cord on their new cd players, Its about $15.00. I like it better than the expensive cords that I tried, they sounded to bright. PC are not my bag baby! I have MIT cords for my VTL amps that have MSRP of $ 175.00 
How to tell if the tube needs replacement?
If you hear Strain or distortion . I do try to retube stuff every few years especially power tubes. 
Will spend $ 2500 for used speakers for upgrade.
Aerial 10T , but it likes a strong amplifier 
Place to purchase refurbished Marantz, Denon, etc
do a search on google with the model number you are looking for and check ebay.com 
Am I living in a vacuum? Or has anyone noticed
I have several amps with 6550's and have not had your problems. Maybe your tube source is questionable. Or maybe the bias levels can be changed to get better results. Sometimes a slight bias change can extend tube life. I would suggest upscaleaudi... 
c-j prem 140
Get a top CJ ,or ARC Depending on your musical style the CJ will be lush like the amp but the ARC is a little more detailed . depending on your preference an audio research Ref one is a steal used at under $ 3800.00