

Discussions weiserb has started

Plasma Bracket for above Fireplace question???29455
Running dedicated AC where do I start PleaseHelp23462
Lost in 7.1 hell DLP projector / Plasma setup ?34576
My Favorite Turntable Tweak for Linn LP1233941
Whats the Difference SME 3009 S/2 vs 3009 Improved40391
What's the right Lubricant for squeaky CD tray?22921
Mac Rocks New York .....15960
Anybody using Shure V15 VXMR with Linn LP12 Ittok32382
Please help with Grado Cartridge hookup Wiring ???380515
What is the Best Speaker thats no bigger than 1435495
No Ground on Thorens TD 145 MKII + some questions171984
Panamax 12 volt trigger Hint36703
3 or 4 cones under speakers /cdp which better WHY37747
How much Power do speakers really use ???????873424
Whats the Best Cartridge for a LP12 w Ittok $ 50043173