

Responses from weebeesdad

Jadis orchestra reference or DA50 for Proac D15?
FWIW, I heard the DA50 Signature driving a larger pair of Proacs (I think it was the 3.8's) at a Stereophile show and it sounded fabulous, not underpowered at all.... 
SS Amp Preference for DeVore Fidelity Silverbacks
Darrin, care to elaborate?? Thanks..... 
New Blue Note XRCDs
Has anyone compared the XRCD version of "Cool Struttin" with the Classic Records 24/96 DVD-A version?? 
Anyone familier with Fuselier speakers?
I bought a pair of 3.3's in 1983 from Sound By Singer in NYC and used them for 15 years- they were terrific, dynamic and coherent with an uncanny ability to "let go of the notes", to quote a well known reviewer who's name escapes me (maybe that St... 
Resolution Audio Cantata
Has anyone compared the Cantata against the RA Opus 21 for standard cd playback??? 
Just got Audible Illusions L1, but it sound harsh
FWIW, I used an AI 2C for many years and found the Svetlana 6n1p to be the smoothest (least harsh) tube type of any that I tried. AI warns against using the 6n1p for performance reasons, however, for me, it was consistently the preferred choice in... 
Atma Sphere S30 amp
Any firsthand experience using the s-30 with the Zeros?? As the recommended minimum impedance is 8 ohm, I would assume that this would preclude a great many speakers being used. The Zeros would solved the impedance issue, however do they in any wa... 
Pass Labs & Belles class-A amplifiers
Pubul57-Do you feel the Pass is better than any of the well received tube amps you have heard?? Also, does the low unbalanced input impedance preclude (or limit) the use of tube preamps? 
Who's your guitar daddy now?
Without question, Richard Thompson... 
RIP - Richard Brown, BEL
This is sad news, indeed. I spoke with him about a year ago concerning using long runs of his speaker wire and sending my 1001 in for a "tune up" and possible upgrade. He was very gracious, patient, and helpful, and put me on his waiting list (he ... 
Resolution Audio Opus 21 questions
My experience parallels J evege and Gnobber. I found running the Opus 21 directly into my amp (BEL 1001) to sound very clean but flat and not as involving as running through my preamp (deHavilland Ultraverve or Audible Illusions 2C). I too had hop... 
Extended power on for Pass Labs XA.5 amplifiers
Are the advantages of extended powering up exclusive to solid state, or are tube amps equally served by leaving them on for long periods (tube wear issues aside)?? 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Rogue M-120 Okay?
Thanks, Rballdude. Four years seems impressive given AI's (undeserved?) reputation for tube eating. May I ask who was your source for the Bugle Boys?? There is someone currently selling three pair on Audiogon, however there is always an element of... 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Rogue M-120 Okay?
Rballdude-How long have the Bugle Boys lasted, and have they been in the M3 or the M3A (or both)? 
Opus 21
The transports, should you need one, are readily available from RA at a cost of about $100-you could buy one as a spare if you are concerned about a repeat performance of your Wadia experience.