Responses from wcfeil
LOOKING TO MAKE A TURNTABLE CHANGE, HOPEFULLY AN IMPROVEMENT Not listened to the new VPI stuff. I run a Triplanar 7, Dynavector 507 II, Basis Vector, and Hadcock 242 which after 55 years in the hobby are the end of the line for me. I have no interest in any changes. Thank you. | |
Technics Turntables...really??? I bought a new 1210 m5g for peanuts a month before production ended a few years back as a 4th table. I use it strictly for 6 vintage MM cartridges and it punches far above its’ weight class. I also own an SP-25 which, after many years, operates pe... | |
LOOKING TO MAKE A TURNTABLE CHANGE, HOPEFULLY AN IMPROVEMENT The original 9 and 10 were just plain underachievers. I owned both. Calm down all you VPI fanboys. None of their products compete with the Triplanars, Grahams, Micro Seikis, Fidelity Researches, Basis’, Reeds, Dynavectors, etc. of the world. I’ve ... | |
LOOKING TO MAKE A TURNTABLE CHANGE, HOPEFULLY AN IMPROVEMENT VPI makes nice tables. Their tonearms are the weak link. | |
Technics Turntables...really??? You’re missing an analog education. | |
LOUNDSPEAKER FOR $10,000.00 PER PAIR >>Nothing in this hobby looses value like speakers!<<Except for cables | |
What does 10B mean to you- It means I’m stuck in the middle seat of Row 10. | |
the guess who vs the rock and roll hall of fame Why not let them in?The Hall is replete with groups and individuals who don’t belong there. | |
Preamps better than Parasound JC-2 ? The JC-2 punches nicely above its’ price point. | |
Beveridge speakers-does anyone still use them? Very liquid sounding speakers. | |
Zu def 4 are they the best speaker made? PWI (posting while intoxicated) is seldom a wise decision Bache. | |
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker? This one:https://www.google.com/search?q=back+to+the+future+ampilfier+picture&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&h... | |
Ortofon SPU Century, time to celebrate the heritage? A fool and his money are soon parted. | |
Auditioned Magico A3 - VERY DARK... Buy a speaker that pleases you. End of lesson. |