

Responses from waxwaves

Cables more hype than value?
Bo1972 is absolutly correct! Cables do make your system come to life! If you think that your $30 cables are giving you a lifelike presentation of the music, then you have no idea what your hi-end audio system is capable of. It is as simple as that. 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
Well said Devilboy and Brownsfan! If it sounds better who really cares why. The fact that it does is so darn exiting! Love my Tara Labs Air. 
Cables more hype than value?
Yes! Macdadtexas! Cables certainly are MAGIC!!!! Do you agree Audiolab? 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
@Grey9hound and Audiolabyrinth, the Tara Air 1 Rev 2 ics continue to get better!!! The 3D holographic soundstage being presented is fast, coherent, yet at the same time laid back behind the speakers. The sense air and space surrounding instruments... 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
Go for it Brownsfan! Run that dedicated circuit! If I had to do it over again, the only thing I would have done differently is running 10 gauge wire instead of 12 gauge. Btw, that's a very nice system you have there, I was checking it out earlier.... 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
Browsfan, a couple of dedicated circuits for the Audio equipment improves sonics big time! I say go for it! Also, I think that you have given the folks here some good advice Brownsfan in your 3.25.13 post regarding long audition time, careful thou... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Ok fellows the Tara Labs Air 1 ics are here and playing in my system now! The first thing I recognized was a couple of small tears running out of the corner of my eye and down my cheek when I heard them....LOL...Just kidding, there is no crying in... 
Cables more hype than value?
I've heard the Mogami, they are just ok...nothing special. I enjoyed Analysis Plus Oval One just as much or more in my system. Audiolabyrinth is correct, the audiophiles need better cable. He's probably correct about why too. But what it boils dow... 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
I like "Whoah"... the best bang for the buck, hehe 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Thanks Audiolabyrinth! For the informative correspondence and the invite! I really am glad that you are here man, we all can really benefit from your experience! I may love the Tara Labs and it may be my kinda sound too. I just had to find out and... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
@ Audiolabyrinth. Thanks for clearing that up sir, I was unsure about the grounding and knew you would have the answer! Really appreciate the help and seemingly endless Tara Labs knowledge! BTW, I read about the Zero Gold and now I want to come to... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Still here Audiolabyrinth! I will definitely post my impressions of the Tara Air 1 ic for you and Grey9hound, don't worry. I still think the Solo Crystal Oval is a great cable, but I am expecting the Tara to better it. Gonna try it in place of the... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Grey9hound, the Emotiva sounds kinda hot on top in my experience, and not so resolute in the mids. The Emotiva did exibit a nice wide soundstage. Tried several, x-pa2, upa5... but my fav was the UPA-2. I will definately give my opinion of the Tara... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Wait a minute Audiolabyrinth, you said in a previous post that you do not have experience with Analysis Plus cable? LOL! Will the Tara Labs Air 1 really "blow the doors off" of the solo crystal oval?? Well...I plan to find out!! I have a Tara Labs... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
Hey Grey9hound and Jmcgrogan2, did you give the Solo Crystal Oval time to break in? This "forward" soundstage may be a result of the cable not being broken in?