
Responses from washline

A Question About Audio Racks
Thanks for all the advice. We do have MDF in Korea. In fact one company, Bauhaus, produces entire racks from them at a very inexpensive price. In fact, I've bought several LP racks from them already, all made from MDF. Those look quite good in the... 
A Question About Audio Racks
Thank you gentlemen for your replies. And I particularly appreciate knowing about the problems of marble as shelf material. Thank you. 
Thanks to Raul.
Raul is the man. Helped me a lot with good advice. 
Al Green DVD Audio
It uses DVI, but I have both the component and DVI plugs connected. Looks like the problem is relatively fixed. Using the "search" button in the upper left and then inputing the number 6 or 5 brings up the tracklist for stereo or surround respecti... 
Al Green DVD Audio
No It doesn't. And I think what I need is the DVD Video menu for DVD Audio discs in order to get it to work. It now comes up on my Panasonic DVD Recorder once I set it up for showing DVD Video with a DVD Audio disc. But this doesn't work with the ... 
New TT ideas please
"Luck Brand" no. His name is "Dollar Brand." 
Esoteric DV-50s,X-03 Vs Musical Fidelity Trivista
I own both the DV-50S and the Nu-Vista player. They go into a Tri-Vista amp. I like the Esoteric a lot, but I was a bit disappointed with it on SACD. This improved a bit when I moved my speakers around, but I suspect I would prefer the Tri-Vista S... 
Musical Fidelity Trivista 300
Proac1, I'm sure you'll be able to get another Tri-Vista on the Audiogon in due course. They show up fairly frequently and are becoming quite affordable. Hang in there. I think you'll be really impressed with the sound once you get your amp. I've ... 
Tubes and Rock and Roll, Can they go together?
You also listened to two different pairs of speakers here, one of which, the Cremonas, I would think would do better with jazz, classical and vocal music than rock. I'd look at Manley amps for rock. If that doesn't suffice, go for a hybrid solutio... 
Marantz SACD
Oh and I meant to ask about the filtering capabilities of the SA-11S1. Have you used those and what were your experiences? Thanks. 
Marantz SACD
Thanks a lot for that reply Bigtelco. Your reply is useful on a number of fronts. You directly compared with the Krell and MF on SACD, two other players I was considering, and I'm glad to hear that you prefer the Marantz. Have you compared your Ma... 
Musical FidelityWhich Integrated is best value?
Of the MF integrateds, the Nu-Vista M3 is the best value. Several up recently for sale on the Audiogon in the 2000 dollar range. I own the Tri-Vista myself and it's fantastic. A better amp for certain than any of the McIntosh solid state integrate... 
B&W N802 vs FOCAL 937Be
I've heard them both and like them both. I think the 937's approach the Diva Utopias pretty closely. The 802s are very nice as well. It's a tough call. I'd take the 937s because I prefer the Beryllium tweeter and I like the bass better on JM Lab s... 
Eximus and Stello are two different lines by the same company, April Music. both are superb. I've heard the Eximus transport briefly at a shop about two years ago and was impressed. But I haven't had a chance to do an extensive audition with it. O... 
WILSON AUDIO/ cost vs. value
Thanks Holenneck for sharing that link to the Wilson business program. I filtered out all the business crap and just listened to what Wilson had to say. He said some very interesting things. He pays full benefits to his employees. He doesn't like ...