
Responses from wanders

How to Hook Up Vandersteen 2W Subwoofer
I found this thread from 2018 and noticed comments from a  Vandersteen dealer named JohnnyR, AUDIOCONNECTION. I tried to PM, but couldn’t find him as currently active. Anyway, this is the post I would have sent and would invite anyone else to comm... 
Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital
Throw money in  
Recommendations for a jazz record which demonstrates vinyl superiority over digital
I have many of the recordings discussed here. Before making an A/B comparison, you should be able to hear differences between: streaming and CDs, CD and hi res. If you cannot, probably your setup won’t do a good job of comparing digital to vinyl. ... 
All Hail the meek --yet mighty – NODE 2i
Agree w/OP. Had an original Node 2(?) then a Node. First one died (red light). Learned later it was an easy DIY fix: a power supply cap. Now I have two. Don’t use the Node DAC any longer, didn’t know about a streamer only version.   
How do I post a WTB ad???
Hi, I'm a subscriber/member, I would like to post a WTB notification. (Looking for a front panel for a ARC LS-3 which was lost by UPS.) Please advise. Thanks, Warren Anderson "Wanders"  
Audio Research LS 3 question
I wonder if there is anything new on this problem.I just picked-up an LS-3a. It's a very nice sounding preamp, but I'm suffering from the same "Popping" issues that y'all identify." If the mute is off, then all the other two toggles POP when activ... 
Bluesound - MQA & SACD?
I’ve done a/b listening tests using BlueSound Node 2 comparing original source (sacd, vinyl) against B/S Tidal MQA. Original sources always win out - especially with older stuff. New releases that are MQA-ed through Tidal sound are pretty good, ho... 
SS Hard Drive with Bluesound Node 2
Thanks for sharing that information. I'm curious if you hear any difference in sound quality playing cds directly to the system or playing ripped cds through the B/S, then into the system.  
SS Hard Drive with Bluesound Node 2
Right now, 96 albums, about a dozen of which are hi-rez. I've got several hundred more cds which I'll keep ripping and adding as the spirit moves me. If I run into any issue as the collection grows, I'll post. But, so far no access issues nor any ... 
SS Hard Drive with Bluesound Node 2
Thanks for setting me straight. It's small and silent, I ASSumed it was solid state. 
What's needed to Steam Tidal
Bluesound punches above its weight. I used a Bluejeans Belkin coax cable and routed digital output to the dac in my Marantz SA 8004 for consistency (B/S can't ((yet)) read SACD or dsd.  
Bluesound - MQA & SACD?
Right. Guess my question could include DSD or SACD. Think PS Audio and Sony were working along those lines but without regard to MQA. I hearing somd rumbling about MQA, but my impression was positive. No reason not to have it in the arsenal 
Tube Preamp Recommendations?
+1 on the NOS Slvania 6SN7's. 
Best standalone music server?
ctsooner, thanks for the comments. Didn't realize the Vault 2 was not wireless capable.  
Best standalone music server?
Re Bluesound Vault. If I read correctly, Vault contains all the features of Node 2 plus 2tb storge. (This would include a MQA compatible DAC.) Can anyone confirm this? And, if so, what are opinions on the DAC audio quality?