Responses from vinylcat
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why? Sota: very recent ownership experience. American, great company, suspended, speed control, platter, bearing, vacuum (regulated), integrated dust cover, looks (woodworker), upgradeability, American. Their higher end tables (Nova VII, Cosmos VII) I ... | |
Unipivot tone arms I’ve had a Moerch UP-4 on my Scheu Premiere MKII for 20+ yrs. Used with a couple Ortofons and Lyras…setup is currently in my A/V system (not main) but works and sounds great. Have also heard and operated (not my own) VPI unis with ZYX and Lyras.... | |
Where to put best interconnects For me: turntable (external tonearm*) - phono preamp phono preamp - preamp dac - preamp preamp - amp * have never changed internal tonearm cables myself, so can’t assess | |
Turntable Upgrade I currently have a VPI Signature 21 (w/FatBoy Gimbal), ADS, and the VPI Peripheral Ring. Really great combo (currently used with a Lyra Kleos SL). In three years of use, I’ve never used the VTA on the fly. I suppose it’s good to have if one is so... | |
How often do you upgrade turntable ? 5-6 in the 70's and 80's... since i got back into vinyl in 1999: 2 yrs 2 yrs 19 yrs (still use in a/v system) 3 yrs (soon to be sold...) just got a new one | |
Vinyl Lovers-- Cartridges!!!! Do you have a daily driver? The only cartridge I use on my main table is a Lyra Kleos SL. I have close to ~1000 hrs on it now. I listen ~500-600 hrs/yr; if it’s anything like my three previous Lyra carts, I’ll easily get at least 2500 hrs, so 4-4.5 yrs total. Pretty good. T... | |
Turntable upgrade You might consider the Sota Quasar (or even bump it up to the suspended Sota Sapphire). I believe both come with the Condor motor controller now. (Could add the Roadrunner tach down the line). Pick your own arm (e.g., an Origin Live Silver or ... | |
Amp for Persona B Speakers looks like a repeat from another thread...missed that. | |
Amp for Persona B Speakers I'm using the Luminous Audio Technology Archimedes Monos with my Paradigm Persona 3F's. Fantastic combination. I believe they're running at $9,000/pr. May be worth looking into for the B's. The Archimedes replaced my Parasound A21+, which soun... | |
Power Regenerator or Conditioner for Digital Sources FWIW, I recently home demo'd a Torus Tot MAX Isolation Transformer with great results. The gent who had the demo unit before me ended up ordering one to replace his PS Audio PP 12. Both my digital side (DAC/Streamer and Master Clock) and analog ... | |
Persona B Amp Recommendations I use the Luminous Audio Technology Archimedes (Monoblocks) with my Paradigm Persona 3F's. Fantastic - like they were made for each other. (they replaced the Parasound A21+ in my system...which was very nice, but not quite in the Luminous class.... | |
PREAMPLIFIER UPGRADE QUESTION Great you're using a dealer, but isn't part of that service being able to have a home demo? You're looking at a pretty good chunk of change, no? | |
Amp — Leave on or turn off I listen 2.5-3 hrs every day for the most part... everything stays on for me (all SS): Power Amps Preamp Phono Preamp Dac/Streamer Master Clock Generator Turntable ADS | |
DAC Under $3000 TEAC NT-505X is defintely worth consideration. Nice built in streamer. (also preamp and headphone). DAC alone was a bit better to me in my system than my Schiit Yggdrasil A2 wrt detail and space. Yggdrasil a bit better bass and perhaps dynamic... | |
Esoteric N-05XD clock recommendation @wrxsti Did I try the TEAC CG-10M? Yes indeed...brought it home for demo and it sold me right away. I've had it in the system with the TEAC UD-701N since early APR 23 and have been enjoying digital stuff more than I ever have. (Qobuz has grow... |