
Responses from vinny55

Stll listen to Dynaco Speakers? Sound comparison with AR?
@whitestix totally agree 
Why have the prices of Marantz and Sansui speakers have gone up so much? Whyyyy???
I dont see realistic speakers going up crazily in value like marantz and sansui but willing to bet the realistic sound alot better 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
@tomic601 yes 404b thanks 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
Ortofon FF15XE MkIIOrtofon VMS 3EOrtofon F15EOGrado Ft+4881 Denon DL-103 black headshell 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
Audioquest 404bAudio Technica At155LCSignet 7ea and 3EaAdc no model number on cartridge gold and blackExcel mc100eSonus SShure M3DShure V15 iii Lm with Supertracker stylusShure V15 iii VN35HEOrtofon F10xeB/O Sp12 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
@chakster thats a list of  most what i own 
Whats the best sounding tube cd player up until now? Vintage or newer.
How about the new shanlings from china 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
@dgarretson   it's a v15mk3 for sure. Do you want me to snap you a picture i have two different body types 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
@lewm you need to work on your interpersonal skills, your attitude and ego. Either change or move on 
Please Rate These Cartridges in Best Overall Order of Sonic Importance. Recommended Arms?
@jperry theres enough info there to rate to to bottom. You just skimmed the ones without number 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
Also want to thank @vpi  @audiotomb @czarivey @Kac @varyat @bdp24 @ebm @amg56 @cleeds @2channels8 for their important contribution 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
@nandric im getting the impression hes jealous of the attention this post is getting because its not his. He wants to be the center of attention. Im angry that many who were enjoying this post have bolted because of these two antagonizers 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
I want to personally thank @nandric @chakster @ct0517 @fourwnds @fleschler @terry9@folkfreak @druckpress @initforthemusic @dgarretson @cleeds@vpi, @audiotomb, @dorkwad @kac @varyat @bdp24 @czarivey @ebm@amg56 @2channel8 for their important informa... 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
@ct0517 ill gladly tell you the turntables that i have and will get.Thorens 124 and Thorens124mk2 need arm Lenco 75 need arm and soon Connoiseur transcriptor to make plinth and need armDual 1019 and Cs5000 and ArTa. 
Top 5 Tonearms Newer or Vintage Under 2500 That Will Beat anything above/below 2.5k?
@lewm your just @rauliruegas apologist. What are you his interpreter and mind reader?Both Your rhetorics are appauling and act are wearing thin. You both need to get a life. Take a trip together somewhere enjoy life and audio.If you would been mor...