
Responses from viggen

Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Power cords doesn't seem very important ten years ago.... is it because of industrialization and digitization? My old set up when I was in grade school thru high school sounds fine to me without mega buck cords. CD players are also very picky with... 
Virtual Dynamics PC3
Hey Buck, Do you feel the Audition is worth the extra investment compared to the power 3? Also, which component did you use the Audition and which did you use the power 3? 
AQ vs Siltech vs Tara vs Van den hul shootout
Hey Madison, Eventhough I can't afford any of the cables you auditioned, I like how you compared each one and presented each of their attributes coherently. However, you didn't include a conclusion, but I guess it's a no brainer that you like the ... 
Anybody knows Virtual Dynamic cable?
I did a search on on virtual dynamics. One poster by the name of "Rick Schultz" compared his cable to Wire World's. I don't believe it's actually Rick, but it's kind of funny. 
Anybody knows Virtual Dynamic cable?
Buck, I emailed him, and yes those prices are still good. I am ordering an Audition powercord from him. 
I can't believe there is no difference
On the newest issue of HiFi Choice or HiFi something or another, they gave the Cambridge 500 something 2 out of 5 stars. 
Anybody knows Virtual Dynamic cable?
I checked their website and it lists the basic power for 99, power 3 for 149 and the audition for 399. Are the prices listed by Buck above a special pricing? 
I can't believe there is no difference
Gun, besides speaking to a factory rep or a knowledgeable salesperson, you can only listen to difference sources on your receiver and if they all sound alike, chances are its running and AD conversion on all the sources. But this is just a specula... 
How much money do you want to waste?
Is Zaikes using a "ivory tower" metaphor hidden behind his objective arguements?If so, I'd have to say this post interests me because we're examining the factors of audio system building holistically with the understanding of technology and the hu... 
I can't believe there is no difference
I suspect your receiver might automatically convert all analog signal into digital, so it is ready to be processed into dolby surround sound or other theater formats then it is converted back into analog. 
How much money do you want to waste?
Asa, somehow I didn't receive your emails. I emailed you, so just reply to that.In regards to your previous post, I have to admit I am overwhelmed. I do not know how to respond to it. I have a hard time differentiating the main points and supporti... 
How much money do you want to waste?
Asa, how did the dogs let you back in this post? = DIn regards to language, there has been a great deal of debate about how it is used in the realm of philosophy since the great Buddha (one of the first major philosophies to cross over to cultures... 
To owners of both silver and copper speaker cables
Paul, I have wired the Argent on bottom and Midnights on top. Ofcourse, the lows improved in terms of rhythm and smoothness but the highs lost resolution and musicality. I can't really explain to you or any one else why wiring the positives with s... 
To owners of both silver and copper speaker cables
Paul, I can only give it my best guess. I think, on the speaker side, the positive is like the fuel intake on a car and the negative is the exhaust. You want the cleanest signal possible going into the positive and you want to dump the negative ba... 
Cryogenically treated cables
Why don't we just keep our stereos in a freezer? How about inventing a lineconditioner/ac regenarator/refriderator unit for high end stereos? This unit would provide regenerated ac for the whole system while freezing every component and cables and...