
Responses from vicks7

Using Zu Def 2
Many thanks.I am thinking of purchasing the Denon 4310AVR Receiver and would appreciate recommendations for a center speaker and two rear speakers that would work well with the Denon and Zu Definitions. I have looked at the Zu options but it would... 
Using Zu Def 2
If I can add, I also have a Melody SHW 1688 II preamplifier which I could use in the 5.1 system if it makes sense but a real newbie on home theater and need to understand how I can bring it all together. 
Using Zu Def 2
I still like the Zus very much - great speakers - where I think the ASI's are a little better is in having a tighter bass and clearer treble but I don't like making direct comparisons as these are both, in my humble opinion, unique speakers.Gettin... 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Based only on reviews and comments of others it would seem that a Tidal or a Sovereign amp could end the quest for many. I own Audiopax Model 88 but would love to listen to these other amps one day. 
Newbie Q
Many thanks all for the replies. It seems the trends device or the squeezebox is best and that I would be wasting my money using a transporter if I am using the DAC of the CD Player. I was considering purchasing Neal Van Berg's music vault or some... 
Zu Druids - Two years after
As I said in my first thread, I was certain this would degenerate into a petty argument. I do not understand why this happens time and time again on this forum. It is a matter of personal taste what equipment we all prefer and we can all simply pa... 
Zu Druids - Two years after
Rleff: Good question. I did prefer the Druid over the Merlins, yes, but that is not to say they are the better speaker, they just do things in a way that I preferred and given my musical tastes and because of the tube equipment I use (Audiopax and... 
Zu Druids - Two years after
No doubt this is going to become a very heated debate unfortunately.I had the Zu Druids for over one year and replaced them with the Zu Definition - had no problems with the Druids - in fact, I liked them a lot but just wanted to move on to the fl... 
Optional S/PDIF digital input for APL Denon 3910
I gave my $$ and the player to Alex. 
Optional S/PDIF digital input for APL Denon 3910
I thought I would chip in here regarding APL as I am also very concerned - I submitted a thread about this issue which has not been posted to the forum.I have an order in for a NWO - it was placed 19 months ago in April 2007. I have since been pro... 
Genalex GL KT88 Reissue on Conrad Johnson 12
I am running these on Audiopax Model 88 and find them to be excellent and a noticeable improvement from the Svetlanas that I was previously running. 
Another Zu Thread
Out of interest, how much space do people tend to have behind them (i.e from listening position to a wall) when using the Druid or Definition. 
APL Esoteric X-01
Hi All,Slightly off point but I am trying to source a secod hand UX-1 or XO-1, 230v version for APL to mod and if anyone has any ideas or suggestions it would be much appreciated.Kind regardsJames 
Tube pre-amps $3500 under to add "warmth"
I am biased as an owner but the Melody SHW 1688 II sounds like it would also be worth auditioning. Very musical - great tone. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
Audiopax Model 88 - I hope anyway.