
Responses from vhiner

Speaker Choice
RII7X9,No offense perceived. I would, however, like to clear up a misconception. Dry and uninvolving is certainly not how I'd describe the Thiel flagship (the 3.7's are not on BOTH Stereophile and TAS's recommended speaker list for being a disappo... 
PS audio PWD MK2 a real upgrade from MKI?
That post should read "switching from the Meitner Bidat to the PWD Mark I" 
Speaker for modern/alt rock music
I'd try PSB's if you can find them used. Also, The Golden Ear line pumps out quite a bit of bass for little money. You might be happier with some good monitors and subwoofer setup if you have room to play around. You really gotta audition with you... 
Speaker Choice
Bill,I don't entirely disagree and it's why I use valves in my front end. Compromises abound. Wish I could afford a pair of Magico Q5's. ;-) 
PS audio PWD MK2 a real upgrade from MKI?
Neal,Here's a link to the how-to on PWD fuses:http://www.psaudio.com/vanilla/discussion/comment/19724Tomycy6,All I can say is one man's "yawn" is another man's "night and day." LOLIn this hobby, small increments are what most upgrades are all abou... 
Which Coax Cable Do You Prefer Using?
If you are ever lucky enough to find a used Moray James digital cable....buy it. He's worked with Ed Meitner and is a genius when it comes to wire. His cables are not shamed by my $800 Shunyata Zitron digital. You could probably find one for $150 ... 
Pangea 9 vs 9se
Have you tried a Shunyata Venom 3? Much better cord than anything in the Pangea line, IMHO. 
PMC vs. Salk Sound Speakers. Which is better?
Salks are good speakers; I've heard one of the recent flagships. I think my Thiel CS3.7's are better, though. The Thiel's are within your range used and I'd recommend them if you have a very good front end and amp. If not, the Salks are more forgi... 
PS audio PWD MK2 a real upgrade from MKI?
Digital upgrades are tricky right now given the pace of change. That said, upgrading my MK to the MKII was the best bang for the buck I've gotten since I went to a $5000 power conditioner. The MKII upgrade is worth every single dime. I expect to s... 
Which Coax Cable Do You Prefer Using?
Can you please state your budget? 
Can a Pass Labs XA160.5 Drive a Set Of Thiel CS7.2
I've been listening to Thiel speakers of every level since 1994. The two things I've learned is that you MUST stick with the highest quality gear up front and that they always improve with more power. Anything less than 400 wpc is silly for the 7.... 
DACs With Killer Built-In Preamps
Steve,If you're ever in St. Louis and wanna bring a fully tricked out SE, I'm sure I can rustle up a few audiophiles to come over for a shoot out with my CT5 and PWD MKII. ;-)Here's the deal; plenty of people prefer the preamp-less sound. Plenty d... 
DACs With Killer Built-In Preamps
I have owned the Meitner Bidat referred to in an earlier post and I now own the PSAudio MKII DAC TAS raved about a few months back. I've run both DAC's direct. One *can* achieve that last nth degree of micro detail with such a set up. But I've fou... 
Speaker Choice
I agree with Soix's recommendations. I'd also suggest checking out some Macintosh user forums around the web to see what Mac fans have had success with. Synergy is important. With respect to detail and accuracy, you can't go wrong with Thiel 3.7's... 
Shunyata for Arc REF5 SE
I suppose I should add that I'm using the Anaconda Zitron on my Classe Delta 2200 amp to the wall and on my Triton conditionerto the wall. I opted to spend my money there and live with lesser cords on everything else. The Python Zitron would be my...