
Responses from vertigo

Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
RE***And yes, I still say that if you really cannot hear the HUGE differences between the live and the recorded in your own above example, or you truly think they are negligible and unimportant, then I truly pity you, as you are clearly missing a ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Lacee,I really liked what you said in your last post. And if i have correctly understood what you are try to say...I agree with you.I adopt Robert Harley's attitude...and i read this in his book as a fledgling audiophile and transfer it to all app... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
True, Phaelon.RE***There has never been now or in the past a hifi system that can even recreate all the dynamics and overtones of a cymbal crash, let alone a whole drum set and orchestra.****Have you ever heard a koetsu coralstone cartridge or an ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
RE ***It will be even easier to tell the difference blindfolded, as your sense of hearing will be heightened. A great many of the people in concert halls with their eyes closed are not sleeping - they are listening better. ****Who said anything to... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
I know this is veering off the topic of the thread kind of...but one thing i think that is often or always overlooked is that when you listen to music live, you are having both a sonic reference to the experience but also a live visual reference/e... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
RE***What are some examples of music that does not sound like music?***There aren't any because if its "music" then it sounds like music!The are many examples of noises that try to fool you into thinking its music though! (but ultimately cant and ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Frogman, I totally agree with you in regard to "time and rhythm" giving music its vibrancy. If i may...I would like to say the same thing but in different wording...that music at its most primal level is received and appreciated by its "beat". If ... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
If we can all agree to the standard by which to measure whether or not a sound reproduced by a stereo is accurate or not then we can begin to judge whether or not that reproduced sound is in fact accurate.But just saying "live" music will be the s... 
Best 845 tube out there?
To add to my "mini review" in a few posts previous to this...the Kr845 has a significantly lower noise floor then the 845m or the 845b. It is extremely quiet. It sounds like a hybrid between a 300b and an 845 if you can imagine that, combini... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
Also...RE***More accurate, mind you, not better sounding. ***This makes no sense to me. So therefore "more accurate" necessarily must equal worse sounding??!!No."Accurate" necessarily must be understood as a sonic virtue, therefore "accurate" nece... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
The whole point of being an audiophile is ..."to be moved by a piece of music"A piece of music, is something ineffable. this might be bad news but you can be moved by a piece of music heard over a used $5 dollar am radio you bought at the salvatio... 
Which is more accurate: digital or vinyl?
In the fields of science, engineering, industry and statistics, the accuracy[1] of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to that quantity's actual (true) value. The precision[1] of a measurement system, also... 
Comments on the Audion Black Shadow 845?
Its a toss up between the KR845 and the thrifty Chinese 845B tube.Briefly, the KR845 to my ears is..."bloomy/lushlike like a 300b but still has the "linearity" of a 845? Giving great "flow/expressiveness/articulation" to the music which has to be ... 
acoustic revive rtp-4 or shunyata hydra 8
Have not heard the hydra 8 but own the 4. I bought it because a fellow audiophile along with his friend did compare the two and preferred the acoustic 4. I would recommend it for cd players, preamps but not for amps. The dynamics will suffer if yo... 
Comments on the Audion Black Shadow 845?
PSHow will the 845 tube and 300B tube differ in sound?For the most part, the 845 will have a subjective 'sense' of sounding more robust and provide a more objective linear presentation. I highly recommend the humble 845b tube. It has the kind of w...