

Responses from vermonter

Integrated match for Martin Logan Ascents
Tireguy,Hey, all is well over here in Germany...might be moving back to the states summer of next year...probably DC.Have found a pretty nice stereo shop here in Kaiserslautern where I live, but no luck yet on finding any European manufacturers wh... 
David Gray.. White Ladder...
Snooker,My HS English teecher is probably spining aroun in her graev write now...How are things up in the North Country?Vermonter 
David Gray.. White Ladder...
Yep, my copy sounds the same...But, the quality of the other songs on the CD makes up for this "artistic licsense" (that is the one freakin' word in the entire English language I can never spell correctly and Agon don't got no spell checker...)Ver... 
I'm moving--advice please
Cornfedboy--I took you advice in the tongue in cheek manner in which it was offered--not to worry...Snooker--Come back to Vermont? Well, maybe after I make my first million or so...SDcampbell--I'll certainly keep an eye open for opportunities for ... 
I'm moving--advice please
SDI'll be living in Kaiserslautern...I'm retiring from the AF at the end of this month, and was assigned at Ramstein Airbase from 94 to 98 so this is a return for me...I am looking forward to returning...had a great time there before and am sure I... 
My latest find. What's yours?
William Topley, "Mixed Blessing" 
Beating a Dead Horse. SUBS
PCC--my Ascents arrive on Tuesday next week...the Aerius' go to the HT set up (well, now I need the cinema center and scripts for the rear channels--darn the luck). I'll let you know how the Ascents sound. Mitch 
Best acoustical guitar - any type music
Tino Izzo...composes, arranges and perfoms all instruments. All of his discs have superior recording... 
Bad sounding CD s
Curly,Agree, some older releases sound horrid.Lately, I've been replacing older versions with digitally remastered CDs...huge improvement in sound. I get them from CD Now or Tower Records off the web (normally for the same cost as a regular CD). S... 
Classe CP-35 pre and Classe in general
Also off topic...I spent many a night at the Last Chance with preliminary stops at Hannibuls,The Silver Keg, Finnian's, and The Chicken Bone. We'd top the evening off with a sub and bagel from the All American Hero, then stagger over to the old ga... 
Classe CP-35 pre and Classe in general
Ehart,Way cool, you've given me some new places to visit next time I'm home in Vermont...can only hit Carbur's and the Last Chance Saloon so often (if they are still even there...).By the way, I bought my first "real" stereo at Service Merchandise... 
It never ends....
Bob,Vermont was much nicer back when the cows out numbered the people...but then again, some of the newer residents (the flatlanders) in some ways are indistinguishable from the bovine.I'm in the Air Force as a civil engineer (for another 2 months... 
It never ends....
Bob (aka snooker)Born in Burlington (oh so many years ago)--moved around a bit, then returned to Vt (Northfield) as a 7th grader. Whole family is still in the state...I am the wandering one of the clan. I leave for Bosnia in 2 months to rebuild ev... 
It never ends....
Bob,Nope, I live in Virginia now...grew up in Vermont and went to UVM...20 yrs in the Air Force has taken me all over the world, but I still call Vermont home.Where in Vermont are you?Mitch 
It never ends....
Glenn and Paul,Thanks for the response...I've got Monster cables on the HT right now (Ugggh)...incremental upgrades are in order...running HT Pro Silways on the 2 channel setup now, but justifying that expense for multi-channel application of HT i...