

Responses from vair68robert

Thiel Owners
I was once asked a question " can you hear it " ?I've discovered that many times I didn't hear it until I was not hearing it ! 
Thiel Owners
Thank You andy2Great resource , added to my bookmarks .Rob 
Thiel Owners
I've used Cardas posts in the past on a Carver amp ,but they don't make ones with mechanical connections like Tom is recommending .This will be one of the somethings that I will have to make a decision on , as you know from experience the dollars ... 
Thiel Owners
Thanks GeorgeI think one reason I was hesitent to start the speaker project is COST .Thank you TomI wasn't clear , I was meaning from speaker post to xo boards ," WBT-0710Ag nextgen passivated pure silver posts... $398/set of four "from Michael Pe... 
Thiel Owners
Tom and beetleYou guys are the greatest and are stimulating me to start the speaker project earlier , like after ThanksGiving .The info you are giving me ( and all Thiel owners ) is priceless and knowing you are willing to offer such great advise ... 
Thiel Owners
Thank you TomI haven't taken the speakers out yet , not until I start the crossovers upgrad project .To answer beetemania's question and maybe more insight into the issue.When playing the IBE cd louder than normal something vibrating making a nois... 
Thiel Owners
Wow Thanks beetlemaniaNone yet , that project will begin right after New Year .Still working on the amp , 32 caps and 3 resistors with 2 resistors and 4 recitifiers going in next week end leaving just 10 more caps and 8 resistors to go .I doing th... 
Thiel Owners
Thank you jon-5912 and brayeagle I feel relieved and I to have only heard it with the test CD .I'll be running it again next week when I replace the recitifiers on the amp that are faster and have a softer recovery  .  
Thiel Owners
Vibrations from Both speakers at low hz , could it be the wires ?I have a CD called Irrational, But Efficacious!  by Ayre and Cardas .I play this as break-in sound every time I've installed new components  on my amp project. The CD has a track cal... 
Goldring - Audio Note - Roksan ?
yogiboyThank you and I agree with you kind of ,a new/different amp with  1V input sensitivity would be the directionthat I would go , but for now a higher output from the cartridge is the most economical way to go .Interestingly my CD player has a... 
Goldring - Audio Note - Roksan ?
yogiboyI am not looking for higher volume , but more reserve when bass pushes the speakers down to 2 ohms .Rob 
Goldring - Audio Note - Roksan ?
Thank You yeti42My amps impedance is 100k ( standard or most common ? ) .I looked up chakstr's phono stage , using rca outputs it's output voltage is fixed at 1V , balanced is 4V ! My phono stage output is only .8V .I've discovered that Goldring m... 
Goldring - Audio Note - Roksan ?
chakstrI have to say Thank You , your answer cause me to ask questions .Do I need an active preamp ? if so why ?So I,ve been researching #s ,  my amp would like 2 volts imput and I am only giving it .8Vwith moving up to a higher output cartridge i... 
Goldring - Audio Note - Roksan ?
Thank You stereo5I've read some good things about ANs cartridge but there doesn't seem to be a lot of them out there .chaksterI don't know what phono stage you are using but it must have one hell of a gain factor.At 1kHz, the gain through the MM i... 
Thiel Owners
ish_mailYou're welcome .I'm still replacing capacitos and resistors as my budget allows ,with ultra-fast soft recovery recitiers being next .Basically part DIY hobby and part the cost of audiophilism .Used CJ MF-2550se are going for Over $3,700 ,a...