
Responses from undertow

Best Tube CDP for $2000 Budget
Audiofeil, by the way, no big deal but you did pull out all direct downside points, without the body of my reasoning as to why to look at the slight negative against the positive.. Such as support if you have a mechanical problem at least you have... 
Best Tube CDP for $2000 Budget
Oh sorry another clarification, Superior in build to most of these machines, meaning in that PRICE range… yes Wadias, TEAC, ETC.. we can go on for days about at 7000 to 40000 dollars.. that was not my intended post however.. Sorry again, it was be... 
Best Tube CDP for $2000 Budget
Audiofeil,First i will appoligize if that post seemed to be far beyond driven.What I mean by origin is you have local support, thats all and its fact.. Both quest for sound, and in canada where the company is based can be repaired.. The FACTS or d... 
Best Tube CDP for $2000 Budget
Raysonic CD 128 hands down nothing else comes close. The Doge 6 as mentioned above is not a bad suggestion, and you can get it cheaper, but I live 5 miles from pacific valve and have tried many of their units, this one is nice, but nowhere near th... 
Zu Druid questions
In the real world of sound, the druids sound like a superior speaker to many regardless if people are stuck on some crazy thoughts that a guitar will sound like a violin thru or something crazy... They easily exceed real world listening conditions... 
How often to apply wax,to cabinet?
Wax is done, once wax is done... The only reason a car needs re-treatment is of course going thru the sun, rain, cold, hot, dirt off the road etc.... It will break down and become necessary to re apply... Speakers, well unless you travel with them... 
Break in period
Let me say I could give a story about an amp that on one speaker sounded very good, and horrible on another, until it played thru the other speaker for about 25 hours, and then it started to settle and play as if it was matched well.. Why? It coul... 
Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
Mikelavigne, That is REALLY weird you say that about the zeppelin re-masters, Just the other day I put on Zep II with the 200 gram 33's (Whole lotta love first track)Which I did not try out until about a week ago, and Whoa is what me and a friend ... 
Break in period
I truly believe if and when "break in occurs" is basically you can kinda tell by the system just being more efficient and less congested sounding, whether turning up the volume or not.. Its got a looser feel to it, more detailed without feeling li... 
Is HDCD dead?
Was it ever really alive? Ha, well it had a small burst here and there, it is a good format and many CD's do benefit if they are available, is it absolute? No.. Some other Redbook remasters and even originals can be excellent just the same. 
TOP Format
#1 Vinyl... most consistent in well controlled conditions and thats the only reason it wins in general, even putting sound and tone quality differences to the side.#1.5 CD / SACD can both do well and equal depending on the recording, and some can ... 
wanted: preamp with bass equalization
For the cheapest or at least easiest direct route, I agree with a mcintosh preamp, most have a minimum of a 5 band eq.. I believe a super low setting of 30 hz and your standard 100 hz, with a 150 hz.. All included, and many have the Tailoring Knob... 
tubes and analog
Csmithbarc, nothing is off topic, its your thread!! I will say this, there is no definate answer to your recording consistency problem.. However I will give you this, I have had worse sounding recordings on LP back with less serious Phono stage an... 
tubes and analog
Adjustable for MC only.. MM I believe you will have one option, 47kohms… So yes if you decide to go with a better MC cart over the Rega you have which I assume is MM then it would be important. For MC you have several loading options to optimize t... 
tubes and analog
Hmm, well I have found that using a Tube phono stage is superior to the built in, or outboard solid state phono's I have used… Tubes with a cartridge just seems like a match that makes a lot of sense.. However if your using a Moving Magnet cartrid...