
Responses from undertow

Turntable lamp?
Buy the 12 or 16" gooseneck little light, and make sure you purchase the Clamp if you wish to mount it by clammping to a shelf. About 70 bucks for the whole kit online, Retail is about 110 or 120.00 local. Oh and get the low Intensity version, the... 
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list
Dali Megaline, I thought were at the top of the Dynamic drive speaker Nose bleed heap ? I would definitely put them at the top of the list if I was in the 40 k territory for sure. I know this guy is a pretty respected audio guy here, check out his... 
Zu Druid questions
Jack don't worry too much about the specifics, just know that a Zu speaker will never drop, and will stay a stable load, and as for 4 or 8 ohm taps thats fine with a 12 ohm speaker, via tubes it is different than solid state, the 8 ohm taps would ... 
Zu Druid questions
" I said from the begining that Zu's efficieny ratings are hyped and I stand by this statement. The output levels were set just 1 click less to obtain the same output as my old Usher's which were rated 87dB @ 1W. "The Zu's are a 12 ohm load, usher... 
Zu Druid questions
I had all zu cables at this point, on the definition the Libtec was the most rounded and smooth sounding.. The wax was nothing too special honestly.. The Ibis for much more money can be a bit sharper, but over time they might be the best, but agai... 
Raysonic 168
Newbee, I will give all 4 tubes changed out to the same good ones a shot in the upcoming weeks to see If I can concur the inner and outer have effects on both outputs. I definitely can say just changing one pair at a time had large effect by itsel... 
Why HDCD did not become a dominant format?
Fatparrot, Dbphd, just as you both have touched on with the Hybrid layer, and the HDCD re-master, I do believe many cases is the recording is just that much better when done in redbook with these formats on the disc, and the end result is they can... 
Why HDCD did not become a dominant format?
XRCD, Yeah I wanted to order a couple but at over 30 bucks shipped normally, and that seems a bit of a risk considering not that much essential music (for me anyway) is produced on them.. Oh well maybe one day I will give them a shot, but there is... 
Why HDCD did not become a dominant format?
Are XRCD's Still produced, manufactured? 
Raysonic 168
Fatcataudio, Since you are on here, please give an opinion on the 2 machines? I honestly feel after seeing some of the pics on the internals side by side that the 168 has found a way to reduce build and parts costs with using no doubt some more cu... 
Raysonic 168
Reb1208, the center tubes have most effect on the RCA's outer tubes on the XLR... As for the 168 vs. the 128... 
I've Fallen in Love With My Mistress
Yeah splitting time is tough, but don't get ahead of yourself:-) Movies are fun and take actually less thought most of the time vs engaging 2 channel... Most of the imagination is made up for you.But anyway I found myself in this situation about 3... 
Is this a crazy idea.
Geared4me, you are correct it seems, I called oppo on this, they say they can run a Phantom mode, however its just not called that I guess in the player.. very interesting..       
Rega Saturn. Is it really a giant killer?
Try a Raysonic, put everything to bed. 
Best digital cable $300 or under new or used?
Zu Ash, 60 day return policy, its as good as it gets.http://www.zuaudio.com/ash_RCA_spdif.asp