
Responses from uncledemp

Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
Ray Kurzweil was right…    
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
@kota1  I have a pair of Focus XD (living room) and a pair of Xeo (bedroom)  both home audio vs studio.   I stream to both pair through a central box, Dynaudio Connect, and control them through each pair’s remote, or my phone.     
Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused
I own two pairs of Dynaudio powered speakers. The warranty period after registering on the website satisfied my concerns regarding longevity.     They sound great (to me) and the simplicity is good for my OCD. These actives are as good or better... 
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
I submitted a bill to make wooden boxes illegal. Of course it will end caskets, picture frames, and cabins. A small price to pay, I say.   From what I understand, the legislation is behind a bill that promotes windshields for dogs butts.   Ther... 
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System
I’m glad I stopped at $950,000. From there, it’s a game of diminishing returns.  
To couple, or not to couple, that is the question
Springs and the podiums make me think I’m hearing more details. The bass line sounds distinct and easy to follow. Again, I think this is true, I’m not trying to sell the idea or suggest owning the truth on the matter. Before trying the podiums, I... 
To couple, or not to couple, that is the question
I use podiums with my Dynaudio standmount speakers and sand filled stands.  
Kienker Neel Speakers??
Not right off, but I’ll let you know if make contact with anybody that can fill in the blanks.   Best!  
To couple, or not to couple, that is the question
I’m a pimp I suppose. Bought a pair for my standmount speakers. I may or may not be a highly compensated spokesman.    Please mention ‘uncle demp’ if you buy some. I live a pretty fancy life off of my royalties!   TaTa  
Kienker Neel Speakers??
Thanks for the response! I enjoyed them but sold them recently. I bought mine from a friend of the owner, but didn’t think to dig into the details. Hope you enjoy yours!  
Do YOU have a flat frequency response in your room?
I don’t think I would know the difference. I set my system up in a way that sounds good to me and let it ride.   
Revel F208 - worth a try?
You may want to see if parts are available if you happen to have an issue. I’ve never had any problems, fwiw, just something to consider.   Best-  
What cables to use.
@dawg007  You’re in the right place, sir. Dekay that answered you is a respected member, I trust his take on it! In the end of course it’s your preference. Nice family picture, enjoy!  
Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ
I’m not interested in hearing from artists and actors regarding politics, religion, or economics.   
Personality Type?
@oldrooney  Sorry for your loss, keep going brother.