
Responses from umn

Benefit of cable lifters on 100 wool carpet.
My floor is wood so it seems unanimous that the cable lifters will be unnecessary.As far as room acoustics are concerned, I found them just too difficult to get right. This was one of the reasons that I went to a computer based desktop system with... 
Tube rolling in Yaqin Pacific Valve Tube Buffer
I am begining to think that the answer may be that the Yaqin tube buffer is supplied with a Chinese 6N1 and was probably designed for that tube. While the 6DJ8 may work, it and 6922/7308 tubes have different heater elements etc. In fact, in the re... 
Tube rolling in Yaqin Pacific Valve Tube Buffer
The label was pretty much rubbed all off so the price on eBay was very good. I decided to burn in the tube for 36+ hours on the outside chance it was actually new and it seems to be settling in. I will have to reassess it after that time. 
Tube rolling in Yaqin Pacific Valve Tube Buffer
Oops. I meant to say that the manufacturer states that 6N1, 6N11, & 6DJ8 will all work. However, no mention is made of 6N1P. 
Tube rolling in Yaqin Pacific Valve Tube Buffer
That 6N1, 6N11, & 6DJ8 will all work. No mention is made of 6N1P. 
Pandora vs. Pandora One. Any audible difference?
Thanks for the response. I just started using Pandora and noticed those chirping sounds. I thought that it was a hardware issue with my system perhaps, but I see that I can avoid those sounds by upgrading. 
Is anyone else enjoying Monsoon desktop planars?
Zinfan2:While I am still using the Monsoon subwoofer, I am curious as to which subwoofer mates you are using with the Monsoon panals?Thanks. 
Is anyone else enjoying Monsoon desktop planars?
Monsoon is extinct and out of business. 
Why spend megabucks on a tuner?
I am typing this as I listen to WQXR, a non-compressed classical radio station, broadcasting from New York City. There are still great FM radio stations out there.I am listening on my Scott 310-e tube tuner. It's 45 years old. However, it cost me ... 
Conrad Johnson MV60
Generally Conrad Johnson pieces are built like tanks. I have gone from the MV-52 > MV-55 > MV-60 and have no reliability issues. When power tubes go, the fuse blows and that's it. The only reason for my upgrading was sonics. I am now happy a... 
Audiophile TT article in Forbes
Gentlemen:I think of great importance to our Audiophile hobby is to email Forbes and congratulate them on writing about these turntables, etc. Maybe they should also write about the resurgence of tube amplifiers... 
Review: Rega Apollo CD Player
Olson:The "very slight tendency to overemphasize sibilance" was also noted by The Absolute Sound in their review of Apollo. 
Best speakers for off-axis listening
Totem Arros. 
Question about Scott 350 Tuner
Mike Zuccaro aligned, checked, and reapired my Scott 350. Call him at 858-271-8294. 
Totem Arros - Tube Amps ?
Grakesh:I first heard the Arros at the NY show driven by a Plinius. I asked Vince then & there and he assured me that I would be fine with my CJ MV-55. BTW The Arros have been demo'd with a CAV-50. See: