
Responses from ufguy73

Higher End DACs
@david_ten @mikelavigne David, there are several permutations I am thinking of but at least directionally (i.e. for discussion purposes) its sort of as below:1) Combination Player/DAC (around 25k-35k) - something along the lines of Esoteric K1 (m... 
Higher End DACs
@mikelavigne thanks for the further thoughts on MSB - I am starting to pick up they may be in a separate class.you actually raise another point - should i be strongly considering running a DAC with incorporated preamp directly into power amp vs us... 
Higher End DACs
Guys, again many thanks!these comparative thoughts are fantastic on giving me some indication of what’s out there.i will keep everyone updated on tests/decisions/etc.one additional nuance popped up to me - it seems the DCS top of the line is at a ... 
Higher End DACs
@thelostdutchman @mikelavigne thanks for the comparative thoughts within DCS and MSB...are there general sonic qualities (ie house sound) across brands with this stuff? 
Higher End DACs
Absolute Sound in January issue just had a really nice write-up on the SDV (and associated transport) - it was great timing for me as I am deliberating this decision and was not familiar with T+A.I am still quite curious if anyone has had meaningf... 
Higher End DACs
@thelostdutchman i wonder how substantial the incremental gains are across the dcs line - ie Bartok to Rossini to Vivaldi? 
Higher End DACs
@ldmr888 thanks!! sounds like a great setup 
Higher End DACs
Thanks, what else do you have in your system?appreciate the thoughts 
Higher End DACs
@ldmr888 curious what is it about dcs that you prefer to the esoteric signature? 
ESOTERIC N-01 Replacement For My PS Audio BHK Preamp & Directstream Dac with Brige ll
@blumartinii realize this is an older thread but I am debating between a Grandioso K1 (or N-01x if i skip the cd transport) and DCS, with lumin as a sleeper.wondering if you’ve been able to have any more experiences across these? 
Esoteric v DCS
Timely thread, as i am also venturing into the pricier DAC world and have both brands in mind.these models are not completely apples to apples, however, correct?  The rossini being a network player as well as DAC?  Would really be the rossini vs n... 
Higher End DACs
Thanks, again, for the suggestions everyone 
Higher End DACs
@david_ten yes, i need to narrow the field somewhat, at least starting out so that i can reach out to associated dealers and get the demo pipeline going.is there another brand or two you would otherwise start with - and why?@djones51 yeah, that so... 
Higher End DACs
Guys - wow, really appreciate all the thoughts and perspectives here!just a couple points to clarify:- i don’t have any (and don’t really anticipate having) ripped music files...so, as fat as i understand it, don’t have the need to get into NAS/se... 
Higher End DACs
@mikelavigne thanks for weighing in, here!so, that is interesting. I was under the impression that if one were to prioritize one component over another (recognizing the ’chain’ dependencies in play) it would be the DAC over the streamer.But your d...