Responses from uberk
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure I just reject replacing all the wiring as the ground is good, and it is on a dedicated line, and in the end, I found a solution. I never said you had a wiring issue. You have an unresolved power problem, which could be benign or not. @eri... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure Just because these products weren’t effective for you does not mean that they are "snake oil." In particular, Audioquest 5000 has multiple features and produces demonstrable, repeatable results. It’s not a fraudulent product, which is what "snake... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure +1 erik and leads to the band aid that the OP used, satisfied that the hum gone, using the "that’s good enough, why do you care solution". @dill I disagree. The above proves it is not DC, not grounding, not grounding loop. Among other things... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure So let me see if I can boil this down. While I’m glad you found a solution, and I believe you when you say you found a solution, your own description of the problem seems to fail to recognize the original issue that led you to a very expensive ... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure I’d love to get one of the consumer battery/inverters and put it upstream of my P10 an see what the incoming looks like. I’m just not going to buy one and return it to Costco. that drives up prices for everyone. @carlsbad2 I would encourage you... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure Whew! What an ordeal. Good to hear…know that you solved the hum problem. Maybe some components more sensitive than others to poor grid power quality. In the end, that is my conclusion @kennyc If you read the article from Steve Huff on his 2 ... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @uberk, when you disconnected the amp from the preamp and still heard hum, did you disconnect both inputs from the amp? @tonywinga .. yes I ran testing with only the amp, speaker cables and speakers connected. No interconnects to any pre-amps. ... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure I was using a Furman PF15 elite power conditioner on my stereo system; but not with the amp. Tried it with the amp but I could hear degradation, ie. constraint. I was using a Pass Labs X350 back when I got that Power Conditioner. I used the Fur... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @uberk agreed. There are some great contributors here and some I’ve learned a lot from and trust their thoughts, judgements and overall assistance. Others, well, I’ll just leave it at that and happy listening to all!! @gnaudio .. any chance... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @uberk I agree the filter style conditioners, including some name brands, don’t do anything useful. But your post sounded like just because they didn’t solve your problem, you called them snake oil. This will always result in attacks on your inte... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @cleeds It is silly to claim that power conditioners are snake oil. It can be shown empirically and through measurements that they produce results even if they didn't work for you. So yes, you can repeat that it is your special view that they are... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @gdaddy1 There was NO hum using SS amp. So it's either the tubes or that particular tube amp that is the problem. I would simply NIX the tubes. Easy fix. Fair point. Thought about it for sure. But 1) I already have them 2) resell is a paid 3... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @carlsbad2 as I said, I agree that there is a difference between two classes of power conditioners and regenerators. I do not test the regens because I did not believe it would make a difference after all my reading. And I found a solution. With ... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @carlsbad2 Disagree. I did not draw fast conclusions in my first post. It was the result of 4 months of pain. My error was that: 1. I did not provide the majority of the research and testing I did 2. I also got into a couple back and forth with ... | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @gnaudio unfortunately, I could not copy it in time - I had grabbed only the end of it. The entire post was brilliant, thanks for sharing it. The whole thing was a learning - and I included learnings in the new OP. As for the manufacturer, and ... |