Responses from tyray
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution @millercarbonI completely understand you and appreciate everything you have to say. But I have to respond to someone who actually has the swarm system and understands it and has a working knowledge of it and basically calls my a lier - without him... | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution @hleeid''Should I take advantage of the temporarily empty office to lay down carpeting?'My buddies that have man caves and and not only use their system for playing music but watching movies too - swear by adding carpet. | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution @rauliruegas,When I got first got my front firing vented PSA V1801 subs I hooked up ONE on the left side front corner wall of my listening room and it replaced a down firing (almost vintage) SVS PB12-Plus/2 12.3 subwoofer. I could tell right away ... | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution Hi hleed,I think you’re already on the the right track because you’re just going to have to experiment. Once you figure out where your furniture can and cannot go, you already have an idea of where you want your main speakers, how far apart from e... | |
Recommendations for Vintage Speakers @atmasphere +1I got a pair of ’KLH MODEL SEVENTEEN’S that need reconing in great cosmetic, structural and mechanical shape that have been in my ’stereo closet’ for years. Even though they only had the 10" woofer they really hit that ’sweet spot’ i... | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution @noble100,I have never heard of or seen, in my life, and I am at retirement age too as you are and have seen and heard a lot - anything like the psyco bass bable b******t you actually take the time to write here and spew. @hleeid, Please don’t be ... | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution @cleeds,My man! I wasn’t going to take the trolls (noble100) bait - but thanks for having my back! The quote referenced is on the Vandersteen website here: https://vandersteen.com/products/vandersteen-sub-three I also find it interesting that Rich... | |
Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution Hi @hleeid,My rig is nowhere near the quality as some you folks here but where I did spend some coin was on the subwoofers. I had owned many SVS subs over these short few years but was never quite satisfied with them. Then doing research as we do ... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Went to the record store today and picked up these albums among others I got from ordering online from Discogs....Wes Montgomery - PANORAMAWeather Report - SWEETNIGHTERCal Tjader - LATIN CONCERT | |
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio? Oh, and that GEM Dandy rubber cork compound turntable mat I got for 15% off wasn't a bad upgrade either! blindjim - That's one heck of a moniker! | |
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio? Finding out, if you don’t have a lot of money to spend many thousands of dollars on hardware separates you can still get good sound - with modifications of what modest system you already have. But don’t get it twisted! It adds up pretty damn quick... | |
Reasonable high end interconnects: without breaking the bank With my latest interconnect upgrade I have come to enjoy the price point and quality of sound in both the KLEI™Absolute Harmony Plugs and shielded Duelund DCA20GA interconnects from my turntable (yes I’m a crate digger) to the tube phono preamp wi... | |
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations? + 1 @pipebro,How could I forget about Szabo? Did anyone mention Zappa? | |
Looking for great jazz guitar recordings - any recommendations? +1 On Wes Montgomery and George Benson. Especially the recordings produced by Creed Taylor of CTI with them being engineered and recorded by Rudy Van Gelder. The sound quality of a Rudy Van Gelder engineered album is some of the sweetest music I h... | |
Turntable Mat question I replaced my stock Technics SL-D2 turntable mat with a GEM Dandy rubber cork compound mat and enjoy the quietness it brought to my ’daily driver’ very much. It’s also not to expensive at $60 and they always go on sale for less. And be aware that ... |