Responses from tyray
One Cord To Rule Them All This is a comprehensive review of ’Best in Class - 27 best Audiophile Power Cables - Shootout' - poststed by Jay Luong: https://audiobacon.net/2019/08/17/27-audiophile-power-cables-reviewed/10/Please understand that these particular PC’s are way o... | |
The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear @lou_setriodes Tells us what else you got goin’ on with the Clayton’s please. That’s like you’re starting off with All together almost decades of living with my old and oxidized Scott and Pioneer receivers, some KLH and infiniti rotted out speake... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! The 'warm' sound I heard from my Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 turntable was the (very) audible hum from the pulley and belt contact. I was very disappointed.I know this is off topic but could someone explain to me how the human ear hears cogging from direct d... | |
Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs? @artemus_5 If the Watkins Stereo Generation Four monitors are as good as the are reviewed here:https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/watkins-stereo-generation-four-loudspeaker They may just work, but BEWARE of ’audiophile reviewers’. For the s... | |
Anyone Successfully Go from Floor Standers to Bookshelf Monitors w/ Subs? I made the transition years ago, but and this is a big but, my monitors are the (almost) vintage Miller & Kreisel MPS-2510 professional studio monitors paired with (2) PSA (18") 1801’s subwoofers and this ensemble can handle anything I throw a... | |
The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear My name is Lou and I’m an audio whoreThe first step is admitting you have the addiction! It is one reason that I do not subscribe to nostalgia audio, as it misses out on all the newer, and imo better developments. Yeah, but that gets expensive too... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! I owned the Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 turntable. It was a beautiful table. https://www.henleyaudio.co.uk/products/RPM5-1But the arm would bounce like a rubber ball at the slightest of foot movements. The ’rubber band’ belt would stretch from heat and frict... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! @audioguy85, One of the reasons high school kids in the late 70’s thru the 80’s used Technics turntables is because they were used and didn’t cost a lot of money and you could pick one up at any second store or pawn shop. We’re talking about poor ... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! @mijostyn, I’m only guessing that Technics uses only billet high grade aluminum for the tables?Heck, my use to be daily driver is the ’lowly’ 1980 Technic SL-D2 and I love this thing!Reliable as all get out and every now and again all I have to do... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! @mijostyn, Like I said poor quality control. It is difficult with a thin aluminum casting to keep it flat. When it is machined it heats up expands then cools contracts and deforms. I guess some people are lucky and get a flat one. I believe you a... | |
Brand new Technics SL-1210GR platter wobble ... disappointed! + 1 @dekay,Sounds like a lazy customer support person, complete made up BS. Not only should you go as high as you can in the crutchfield command/customer support structure, I think you should document and carbon copy everything to Technics AND P... | |
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ?? @carlsbad+1 coldplay at 2016 super bowl. I wasn't there but it was the first halftime show that made me and a lot of watchers all over the country sober up. | |
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ?? 1972 or 73? Cobo Hall Detroit, The Ohio Players...The band was fine it's just that the late cheapo seats we got where the moveable retractable kind and they were placed in and area where the night before was a circus and for the entire show everyt... | |
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members! 1) I learned this just recently, when you burn in new gear don’t just do it when you get home from work, on the weekends or when you have time, let the new gear run in 24/7 for 3 to 4 days or so from the jump, as soon as you can. Do not put this o... | |
Sell LP's: No visible scuffs. Let buyer remove static if needed? What @chakster said,I like discogs format (for albums) far better than ebay's. I've bought and sold many a item on ebay but when it comes to vinyl, discogs all they do are vinyl and their format is intuitive. |