
Responses from tylermunns

Unscrupulous ebay buyers
@audioguy85 That message sounds pretty unambiguous to me. Aside from the obvious bummer of a no-longer-new cartridge and the headache, this is the best one could hope for, resolution-wise. Unlike what so many others were saying, you don’t lose the... 
Unscrupulous ebay buyers
I have to say, this has been one of the most informative threads I’ve read on this site.  I’m sorry it was borne of such an unfortunate incident.   I think the OP caused some valuable things to be shared, however.  
The last of the black Rock 'n' Roll pioneers?
For one, this “psychedelic” label can be very nebulous (what qualifies as ‘psychedelic music’ often leaves me perplexed - I suppose ‘space-y,’ heavily-phased, strobe-y/tremolo-heavy music is ‘psychedelic’) and also by no means mandates that the cr... 
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
@coltrane1 You must have incredible upper body strength from digging these deeper-and-deeper holes for yourself.   Berry Gordy Jr. sold the Motown company for 61 million in ‘88.   He sold 50% of the publishing rights to the catalog for 132 million... 
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
@coltrane1 This discussion is on rap music.   For some reason, you brought up “Motown and Philly soul.”   Then, for some reason, you brought race into it (again).   You, for some reason, said, with zero data and facts to back it up, that “very few... 
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
@coltrane1 What does that music have to do with rap?   Why would you assume you’re “one the few people” to listen to some of the most popular music of the last 60 years?  
Women Who Rock
@larsman I agree on all points except the conflation of music industry awards with music forums/music fans talking about music. If the industry does that (as they have for years) to maximize profits, that’s their prerogative, I guess, as unfortuna... 
Women Who Rock
@larsman What’s your point?   “Best Male Vocalist.” Stupid.   Art ain’t athletics. It’s just a way to make more money.   If instead of “Best Male (blank)” and “Best Female (blank)” they just had “Best (blank)” there wouldn’t be as many opportuniti... 
Women Who Rock
@petaluman  I’ve been seeing so many of these “female” threads forever now. I chose not to comment because I would just be a Debbie Downer.  I just couldn’t help myself this umpteenth time.   It’s sexist and dumb to have these ideas. People consi... 
Women Who Rock
@bdp24 Well, at least you admit it. Essentially saying, “It’s fun to segregate things based on biological factors people don’t choose.” Knock yourself out, I guess. I was asking a legit, good-faith question. That’s kind of the essence of this ent... 
Women Who Rock
@larsman  Instead of, “artists,” people will often insert (irrelevant descriptor) before the word, “artist.”  
Women Who Rock
Yet another weird, inexplicably segregation-keen (gender-wise) thread.   “Female”-this, “women”-that…  I never see “male”-this, or “men”-that threads here. Why?   It seems like “male” artists are seen as…artists.   However, it seems like female ar... 
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
@taisoul Well said.  
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
@ahuvia How do age-related neurological changes affect one’s propensity to seek out new music?  
Unscrupulous ebay buyers
You said, “no returns.” End of story.   This buyer either, a) failed to comprehensively read the terms before buying (this wasn’t some sleazy ‘fine print’ situation, but a conspicuously stated term) b) is an extremely entitled person,  c) is scamm...