

Responses from turnaround

Fraud alert Fair warning to Audiogoners.
Speaking of copying ads, I would encourage sellers to mark auction/classified pictures with their name in a way to prevent picture thieves from cropping out the identifying marker.I have sold items on ebay only to find my pictures resurfacing in l... 
Delius/Purcell Combo w/o upgrades--a good deal??
Myouseif,Can you post or e-mail me a few words about what you think of the Verdi transport (compared to using other transports with the dCS Purcell and DAC). Thanks. 
Law of Diminishing Returns; where does it kick in?
Whatever point of diminishing returns you establish now, it will always move up as you invest more time in audio.If an audiophile can perceive a difference, he suddenly cannot live without it!How many times do you think you've finally got *it*, on... 
Looking remote codes.
One of the weirdest niche Web sites I've come across, but it has a wealth of information on remotes: www.remotecentral.com 
What is your most anal audio habit?
A record store taught me a trick for opening new CDs.You pry off the bottom left hinge with your fingernail so the front plastic cover detaches from the rest of the case. Then you pull the whole front cover around and over the top -- the protectio... 
Weirdest Question asked when selling gear?
I was selling a guitar amp, and a guy had me tell him everything about it in great detail forever. Then says, thanks for the info 'cause I'm thinking about buying one for a lot less and now I know this is what I want. I was so mad at this guy. I r... 
"Speakers" always up for sale--Poor Performers??
Sunnyjim, It often means that a lot more of those speakers are around, as more people have them (for whatever reason).In some cases where people are disappointed, poor performance doesn't mean a bad product. People buy big B&W Nautilus speaker... 
Opinions on the ulitmate dvd demo...
My friend and I once joked about the orgasmic review of the Superman DVD on dvdfile.com. Then he got the DVD.http://www.dvdfile.com/software/review/dvd-video_3/superman_themovie.htmlThe surround effect of the opening music -- the Superman theme --... 
audio show in NY
Look for the advertisment in Stereophile. 
HELP Speakers sound brighter and 3D stage is lost
My listening room is a small space too (about 13x14). I have Thiels.I have repositioned my speakers and furniture many times. To get the big 3D image, you will need to give speakers about four feet of *clear* space behind, and clear as much from b... 
Best Amp/pre-amp for Thiel 6s
I posted on audiogon some time back asking others what they were using with their Thiel 3.6s. You are lucky to have a lot of room to work with for the speakers.I use a Krell amp through Thiel 3.6 speakers. I don't have a lot of experience with how... 
Bob Dylan, Keith Richards & Tom Waits: A cappella
I was at that party too. The record execs were already talking about adding Jar Jar Binks for a doo-wop album to follow. 
Buyer Protection.... ?
I personally wouldn't enter into a $5k mail transaction with someone who doesn't have a long clean record as a seller. I've had transactions where things were a little less than advertised, or details you don't think of asking until you get the it... 
Is it just me or has A-gon become a high dollar
I'm with you, Driver, but a funny thing -- my friends who pull music off the Internet cannot believe that I pay $13 for a CD when they can get the entire album for free. They also like to argue, "It's about the music," whenever I mention hi-fi equ... 
Help pick opening song for my film
Did you find a song? Let us know!