
Responses from tuboo

Kharma Mini or Avalon Eidolon diamond
The room is always the issue.if you do not impliment professional measuring and apply acoustic room treatment, you will throw away lots of dollars and never reach full potential be it Kharma or Avalon or any speakerKharma can be driven with almost... 
Balanced preamps with Atma-sphere MA-2's
Have partnered my MA-2 MK2 with Cello Encore and Cello Audiosuite linestages, and the BAT VK-51SE with great results. very recommended.Have all BAT gear now.Balanced amps are way to go ! 
BAT's house sound
The BAT sound is not like ARC or CJ or Jadis.BAT is clear, focussed, smooth, tight, fast and articulate.no blooming or any kind of fuzziness here.they are dead quiet dependable and have no tube rolling needed nor do they ask for tube replacement e... 
BAT vs. Quicksilver
Keep the BAT and be patience to eventually buy a second sample of the VK-60.I have the VK-75SE and it is all i could wish and some more.. yes i'm saving up for another sample to convert to VK-150Se.I don't agree with Justin quote: "And they run so... 
BAT solid state or tube?
Rello, the VK-250 does get fairly hot, but not like the older PASS amps.. the VK-75Se does not get hot like others mention here. if you find your 75SE really too hot to handle you never have put your head above a AtmaSphere OTL.now that is a lot o... 
Opinions: AR VT100 mkIII and BAT BK75SE amplifiers
Have had both in my gear, the VT-200mk2 as well.No comparison to the VK-75SE .the ARC is a bit veiled and rounded off. clarity is not world class.transparancy, detail, frequency range is much better with the 75SE , and the top end is simply the be... 
Anyone paired BAT 51se with solid state amp?
Ive indeed partnered with the ML 436 for some time.Great combination ! the control and soundstage are up to the very best combined with the VK-51Se.very recommended.Have had many great amps partnered, the 346 was very lucky.in the end i found the ... 
BAT solid state or tube?
Have both the VK-75Se and an VK-250Bp for some time.It all boils down to the old SS versus Tubes.the 250 has a bit better slam and boldness, the 75Se is clearly more airy, natural, and has a very fine human touch.mind you the 75Se can drive (almos... 
Have got the VK-75Se and the VT-200 on hand for extensive time to try out.the VK-75Se is way better on all parameters compared to the VT-200.75Se has more top end opennes, clarity, smoothness, emotional involvement, imaging, detail you name it.The... 
BAT 31SE vs. 51SE
In any case you will not be dissapointed with either VK-31SE or VK-51SE.The performance of the VK-51SE is in one word tremendous.The run in period has taken longer than i thought, still better marginally with every month of listening.I too discove... 
Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270?
Have had MA-2's for a period of about 4 years, and the reliability is not an issue at all.tubes as used by AS are cheap, and the output tubes will last forever.the game is to not go down below 4 ohms, i have made quite a few combinations with diff... 
Not much buzz about BAT lately?
just one very happy audiophile with my VK-P10SE and VK-51SE, they need months and months to run in but boy do they shine now.. Januarie comes the VK-600SE and the VK-D5 SE too. can't wait !i'm totally hooked on BAT. 
ARC vs Atma-Sphere and ARC vs VTL Amplifiers
would like to respond as well.Have the Atma-Sphere MA-2 on hand, as well as a nice example of the AR VT-100 mk2.speakers are Genesis 501's.to start right off, the MA-2's have a far better transparancy and openness compared to the AR VT-100.the VT-... 
Tough BAT choice ? VK-150SE/VK-600SE
Thank you for your reply on my tread.i like the Atma-Sphere very much for it's amazing transparancy and top end clarity. but the bass and midbass and midrange are a bit anorexia sounding compared to other tube amps. this is not due to my speakers.... 
Anyone hear the latest Genesis 501's?
See my comments in the other 501 "help me" tread.truly great speaker, heard the 350SE as well, bigger, bolder, bigger soundstage, but you want to place these in a BIG room mind you.the partnering of poweramps is very very important.501 owner for a...