
Responses from tubeo

tube burnout
You might try a 7DJ8 . It's 7 volt rating makes it more robust and may withstand being pushed harder better . Also Tungsram 6922/6DJ8 type tubes are known to last longer than others of this type when pushed hard . 
Genuine Telefunken?
To be clear to the novice , the Diamond is located in the middle of the Pins and part of the glass itself . 
Align cartridge to offset cantilever ?
I use the Geo-Disc also . I also have used Cartidges with slightly off-center Cantilevers . Just by-pass Step 5 and use Step 6 . If done properly and all sounds good then don't worry about the Cartridge Body being off alignment . Good Listening 
Herbie Hancock on the Grammys
George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue 
The CD you most listened to back in 2007 ?
I don't remember listening to a CD . LPS only here. 
Can anyone wean me off of Sublime?
The band goes on minus the lead singer Brad Nowell . It is now known as " Long Beach dub All Stars " . Also try " RX Brandits " . For something different that flies under the radar , try the band " Rusted Root " . 
Acoustic Research TA
Try this site 
cantelever not straight, advise please.
I bought the same Cartridge early last year [2007 ha ha] . There was no mention of an off line Cantilever in the Ad although it was about 10 degrees off line . I negotiated a partial refund of 25% and kept it . This was after I tried the Cartridge... 
Record Cleaning Machine
I use a cheap Nitty Gritty [Model 1 manual type] . Beside the unit I have an old DD Turntable that doesn't work [cheap] that I do the srubbing on . Then I turn the LP over and place it on the Nitty Gritty to suck off the solution . For a couple hu... 
Moscode, George Kaye & Maggies?
I have owned a few Moscode 300 amps over the years . I had an original [ no mods ] back in the early 90's and sold it . I then bought a partially Modified unit around 1996 , again it was sold after year. I was happy with the sound of these 300's b... 
Best MM for the money or?
I would consider a Moving Coil Transformer . I use an Ultimate [heavily modified ] with a Quicksilver [+23dB] or a homemade - Jensen JT-44K-DX based [+20dB] - MC Transformer into the MM Phono Input of the Ultimate . Both are rather inexpensive esp... 
recommended reading
Also recommended is " Good Sounds " by Laura Dearborn . It is out-of-print , but can be found used [ probably for $10 or less ] . Put a Want Ad on this site . This book is aimed at more of a novice than the Harley book . Contact me if you want a c...