
Responses from ttrhp

yamamoto amp
Any one? look like i am going to be the Guinea pig on this amp.. 
Cary 300B SET Mono's ?
hi Dilly, i am also in the market for a cary 2a3 SE/300B SE and got a couple response from dealers that they are stop making these amps.Can any cary dealers out there can tell me if this is true or not? 
Is the dunlavy SC-IV still worth to buy?
i gave up my Vandy 3A for the dunlavy.i think it worth it if you have the room for it..incredible speaker within the 2k range.dunlavy love Bat tube amplifier. 
DK Design VS-1 versus 300b sound
Dear Daniel, I think it is very un-profesional for an owner of a company to jump into these kind of argument and make the kind of statement like you just is my advice from one business owner to another.."stay out of these kind of argument... 
hi AuGoners, i ve been living with the viva INT amp for the past 2 months and loving it. at the back of the amp have 6 input number from 1-5,one of them mark 'S'. any one know what does the S stand for? and what is this input use for? thanks 
Battle of the BAT's, VK-60 vs. VK-220
fishwater, Keep this in mind.the VK-60 will increase your room temp by atleast 10 degree.but it s a great amp. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
HI Pat, Being in a family with full of physicians,i want you to know that doctor will tell you only theory that their insurance allow them to say.dont give up hope and keep fighting on.I am a pharmacy owner,i ran into many customer with many diffe... 
Best Pre-amp for the McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe
whyt, check out this amplifier might not have a name,but sound quality to my ear are just as good as any multi thousand dollars pre-amp..just sold my Bat pre-amp for this pre-amp and couldnt be any happier..i have no affiliate... 
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand
I just sold my beethoven and approaching the avantgarde uno..i hope i am making the right decision.i love the way the beethoven sing,but since i am still in my trial and error stage..i need to try the uno,cuz i heard so many good thing about it..i... 
Tube Amps
SirJun.. if you can come up with another 400-500 dollars,you can get a used BAT VK-60 and that will set you home free for a long long time..good luck.. 
Most powerful fluid for record cleaning machine ?
P.A.U.L - F.R.U.M.K.I.N 
any one out there know if it is possible to hook this up to the pre-amp and used it as an amp?the reason for this is the viva does not have a phono-pre built in and while shopping for the pre-phono,i am wondering if i can hook it to my old pre(wit... 
Ultimate challenge biggest bang speaker
if you dont mind older speakers..i think it is very hard to beat $2000 for the older dunlavy sc-IV.. and you have plenty of money left for your gear. 
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand
i think these available in europe only.. 
Vienna Beethoven Owners--I need your advice
hi Gwoodall, I ran into the same scenarios 2 months ago when i bought my beethoven at the sound so bad that i couldnt believe,but after some research and read alot of good feedback on the GON,i decide to give it a try because i have a 30...