

Responses from truemaineiac

Ultrasonic Oscillation
Yeah, we ought to have an unsolved mysteries category, it would be interested to see what the outcome turned out to be. I liked the one with the system hum that baffled the OP for quite a while and was finally traced/linked to the dc cabinet light... 
Suggestions? Tubed linestage pre-amp??
If you get lucky, a used Shindo Auriges L might come up. Just be sure it will match with your amp impedence wise. 
What would you upgrade?
I would put it all into a high quality integrated amp. 
Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?
Jmcgrogan2, no I was referring my question to the OP. I should elaborate that in my experience, going to tubes and vinyl was a game changer in bringing up many levels of enjoyment. There are too many threads regarding the virtues and trade-offs of... 
Have I Hit The Point Of Diminishing Returns?
Have you ever spent time with a good tube and analog system? 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
You can't go wrong following the advice of Kevin Hayes or his team at VAC. I heard the 160i in a demo and it was certainly excellent so it is interesting to learn of the SE version and to get your insights. I found that when I had my Avatar Super ... 
Blown tube amp Sophia electric 91-01 need advise
Could be a blown resistor that the bad tube took out. A good tech would be able to figure it out. 
Best Tube Based Options For B&W 803S Speakers
Zd542 is right, its the inherent nature of the speaker that you are dealing with and at some point, maybe after they stop being mint, you will be glad that you bit the bullet and moved on to something else. 
ISO advice for completing first hi-fi system
There's a used black Cary for sale in the classifieds (no affiliation). Best of luck and welcome to the craziness. 
On the hunt for best phono cable under $1k
I think Auditorium makes a special short IC cable for phono that should be around that price level. 
Listening Fatigue & Speakers in Small Room
It could be a lot of things since you are in an all new place, power quality, room acoustics, hooked up differently, etc. Personally, this is how B&W sounds to me each time I have heard them so I was not surprised to see would try to audition ... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I bet Americans spend as much or more on music, going to concerts, etc as any culture but drinking is the number 1 social activity and you don't need a $50k stereo to have fun when your slamming down beer and whiskey. Now that weed is gaining lega... 
Marantz service
Bojack is exactly right, have the dealer make out a new receipt or have them contact marantz. 
SUT's carts and amps
I think that 58 might be ok for 1mv. If you like trying different carts it might be good to have a phono that has more flexibility. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I have two girls, one in HS and one in college. Both love music and spend much time listening and discussing music. They have been with me on many vinyl store trips and have come to really like artists that they have heard me play. They will reque...