
Responses from tripg

recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat
And I listen to a very wide range of music. I’m a jazz drummer so the drums need to sound real!!! But in addition to jazz I also listen to Indian music, European classical, African drumming, korean music, indie rock, etc at mostly moderate levels. 
recommendations for amplifiers that don't emit tons of heat
Thanks for your responses! I'll check out that link.In the meantime...Kenny, I have and audio research ls27 preamp and paradigm studio 40 v4 speakers. The room is 8x10, and it's lined with shelves of records, making it even smaller. No room for fl... 
Entry level Phono Stage for Dynavector 10x5
I have a dynavector 10x5 and Jolida phono preamp. I read a ton of reviews and I noticed many suggested upgrading the tubes. I used it stock for a month or 2, then changed the tubes to Tung Sol tubes, (which, incidentally are what come with the "up... 
Upgrade from Rega P3-24 .....
I'm extremely late to the party... I have a p5. I upgraded to the white belt a few months ago and noticed an improvement. I upgraded to the groovetracer subplatter and I'm amazed at the difference. Your explanation was exactly what I experienced. 
Paradigm studio reference 20 versions
I'm assuming you mean v3? Either way, that was helpful. Thanks!